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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm looking at my legacy pile of preferred shares of which I have never been fond and wondering if this isn't a good time to sell and invest in a bond ETF such as XHY. I know you have expressed ambivalence about prefs but have also said in better times the class can do better. However, yields are roughly comparable, I can use the loses and invest the proceeds in XHY or a different bond fund which you might suggest, keeping the investment on the fixed income side of the page, Many thanks. al
Read Answer Asked by alex on January 12, 2023
Q: Hello,
Many experts are predicting a downturn in the market for at least the first half of 2023 and possible even longer. With that in mind, and if the Feds and Bank of Canada pause in Q1,... the market will stabilize and GIC rates may pull back. In fact RBC GIC's short term rates are about the same as longer term. Therefore, is this a good time to start buying Bonds ETFs with the hope that as rates start coming down the stock price will start moving higher? Am I correct in this assumption? And, which ones would you suggest? short, mid, or long term.? As well, what are you thoughts on Prime Linked Cashable GIC's ( offered by RBC)? Finally, would you buy a 1 year GIC currently at 4.65% ( by RBC) ?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on January 05, 2023
Q: I am looking to add some bond exposure. I had a look at TLT and XHY.

Here is my own personal view on the economy:

- Interest rates could eventually flatline or even fall later in 2023.

- The economy has a somewhat elevated risk of going into a recession.

- The interest rate hikes have a risk of causing "something to break", possibly triggering a black swan event.

Under the above scenarios I am guessing XHY is not a good option considering the individual ratings of the bonds within this ETF, correct?

I don't necessarily want to invest in preparation for a black swan event that may or may not happen, however I want to prepare a bit for that possibility. If that were to happen I would guess that investors would tend to migrate towards the USD. Would that be beneficial for TLT?

Are there better options?
Read Answer Asked by James on January 04, 2023
Q: I completed the Portfolio Analytics Tool and uploaded my own holdings. It suggested I should invest in 30 percent fixed income - I’ve spent my investment years in the equity market - any suggestions for this asset class such as which bonds, what terms, etc… ?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on January 04, 2023
Q: My portfolio tracking analysis suggested I purchase fixed income assets - as much as 30 percent. Do you have any suggestions where to start - as I’ve always traded in equities. Are there corporate bonds I should purchase if so what timeline? Or simply ETFs which would be preferred and which ones?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on January 03, 2023
Q: Hello 5i,

In your recent update, you are increasing XHY to 6% of the income portfolio. We own quite a bit of ZAG in a non-registered account (about 10% of the total portfolio) that we received this year as part of an inheritance. Given your update, does it make sense to sell some ZAG and replace with XHY? The remainder of investments are in mostly diverse growth stocks and other ETFs on your advice and I'm looking to retire in about 10 years.

Thank you and happy holidays,
Read Answer Asked by John on December 28, 2022
Q: I didn't have bonds this year and I wish I did even though it lost value it still did better than my portfolio tilted toward growth. If you were to initiate a bonds presence in your portfolio. Would you rather buy these 2 or one or the other. Any other suggestion is welcome.

Read Answer Asked by Yves on December 21, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
This question is relating to your holdings in your Income Model Portfolio. Are all the income declared from these investments qualify for dividends tax credits? Or are they treated as normal income like interest income from GICs and would be subject to our normal tax rate?

If it is taxed at our marginal rate, would you recommend holding these investments in a RRSP account?
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on December 13, 2022
Q: hello 5i:
We hold the Pimco Monthly Income Fund as our sole Global Fixed Income contributor. We are not displeased with it, but wonder if you favour another ETF, or mutual fund, that could replace it, or complement it. We would probably expect at least a 4.5% distribution. Ideas?
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 28, 2022
Q: As STIP and TIP have ceased to pay their previously excellent distributions, I have been looking for alternatives with similar distribution, diversification and volatility characteristics. XHY seems a valid choice; however, can you comment/provide alternatives? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by David on November 23, 2022
Q: In tuesday's globe and mail, Tom Czitron recommeded buying mid term (5-10 year) federal, provincial government, and corporate bonds because they seem to be in the sweet spot between lower risk and higher opportunity, especially if inflation declines and economic growth wanes.
1. Do you agree?
2. Can you recommend names of bonds that fit this bill?
3. please indicate order of buying (best to worse), if any.
Read Answer Asked by Mary on October 31, 2022
Q: Hi Everyone at 5i!
I am a new retiree and hold these three ETFs as part of my income portfolio . They have all dropped in value , due to increased interest rates and the market in general. These are my really long term holds unless you foresee a problem with this idea.
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on October 27, 2022
Q: In the present interest rate environment and going forward 6- 12 months, which ETF is preferable i.e. XHY, PFIA, MFT, ZHY, XSB,XBB OR PYF? Would you choose 1 or a combination?

Thanks for your service!
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on October 12, 2022
Q: How would you suggest a 70+ participate in this market,if at all?
Read Answer Asked by TERRY on September 19, 2022
Q: I am currently managing my TFSA/RRSP funds and some money outside of registered accounts, which are largely individual stocks. With the market volatility, potential recession and war in Ukraine, I am finding it more difficult to keep on top of the individual stocks and am therefore considering going to ETF's. I am a year away from retirement but would be ok with more risk in the TFSA/RRSP's.
Could you please suggest 5 ETF's for the registered accounts and 5 ETF's for the non-registered accounts.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Jacquie on June 02, 2022
Q: Hello 5i,
I am a value invester with a mix of equities and ETF's. I have done well with VGT and am up $8,000. As I look for dividends I am looking to sell VGT and buy ZWT. Also exchanging XHYy for ZWH, XTR for ZWC and VE for ZWE. Some are underwater but not by much. $75,000 is involved altogether with these exchanges. Do these changes make sense or should I just leave things as they are. The difference in dividends is nice to have (an extra $300 or more a month) but not really needed.
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on April 25, 2022