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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking for quality "dividend growth" focused ETF (not "high dividend" ETF) in CDA and US , with an optimal balance of sectors ( some of those ETF showing, in my vue,a disproportion of sectors, like an excess of financials (ex. 40-50%) etc..). Could you suggest your 2-3 choices in CDA and US ?
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on April 29, 2024
Q: I am looking for a US listed ETF that holds US listed Dividend Growing Equities. I have found RDVY (First Trust Rising Dividend ETF) and CUD (Ishares US Dividend Growers). Both have relatively high MERs for ETFs (0.49 % and 0.6% respectively). Both have a current distribution of around 2% yield. Is there anything else out there in this segment of the market ? While CUD is hedged I am not too concerned about that at this time. Would you prefer one of these over the other or would you think splitting between the two. I will be holding them in my RRSP and am looking to invest around 1% of my total RRSP holdings in this investment.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on March 13, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

We need to increase our US exposure and wish to do this in our non-registered account. We're considering CUD and VGG as we'd rather use ETFs. (Our broker allows us to buy and sell CUD with zero commission, and not so with VGG, but this wouldn't be a 'make or break' reason for choosing one over the other). What would your recommendation be when considering tax efficiency, performance, volatility, and other important metrics? I do like that CUD has a relatively low weight in Technology, as our Canadian holdings like CSU, ENGH, KXS, TOI, etc. have done so well, and we're now overweight in this sector, thanks to 5i. :) Also, if there are any other US ETFs sold on the TSX that you think we should consider, we'd appreciate that info as well.

Thanks in advance for all your assistance and wise counsel.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 06, 2021
Q: Hi, could you please recommend:
A global dividend equity ETF
A global high dividend equity ETF
A US dividend ETF
A US high dividend equity ETF
In all cases traded on the TSX, also hedged to $CDN is preferred.
Deduct as many credits as required.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on October 24, 2018
Q: After reading why dividends are the most stable form of total returns, which ETF would be considered a “dividend aristocrat” in the US? I already own VYM high dividend yield, VGH dividend appreciation and VHT health care. I would replace or add to current etf. Thank you Kim
Read Answer Asked by Kim on November 01, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

In our grandchildren's RESP (ages 15 and 16) I have been using accumulated dividends to 'top up' the above ETFs, as I'm able to do so commission-free through Scotia iTrade. The portfolio is balanced, with the majority of holdings from the 5i portfolios. Can you suggest a strategy as to which ETF(s) I should invest this extra cash at any given time? Since the 16-year-old is in grade eleven, and the 15-year-old is in grade ten, is it safer to use CLF and/or CBO, even though their charts don't look so great, as compared to CDZ and CUD?

Thanks in advance for your valued advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on September 22, 2017