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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I invested in a 'Global Small Cap' fund about 18 years ago. Incredibly, my return AFTER 18 YEARS is NEGATIVE 16%! (I guess this is lesson in the effects of both high mutual fund MERs and picking a lousy fund company!) Can you please suggest an ETF that would be good for the 'global small cap' space. Or another 'small cap' ETF or strategy, if you don't think a global small cap ETF is the way to go. Thank you!!
Read Answer Asked by James on September 21, 2016
Q: Hello 5i: Can you provide me with two Canadian ETFs equivalent to VIG and IWO.
I believe the foreign exchange rate + 15% withholding tax (clipped at source) + CAD dollar uptrend (It could happen), are sufficient reasons not to go US-bound
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on September 15, 2016