Q: There does not seem to be an ETF covering the Venture Exchange. Can you suggest a combination of ETFs that would duplicate such an ETF? Thank you.
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: I own the following Canadian small caps.
RRX, QST, XCS, BIP 191, SIS and GUD. I am considering selling BIP 191. Any other recommendations including ETF, mutual funds or individual stocks to purchase or sell any existing holdings ?
Thank You
RRX, QST, XCS, BIP 191, SIS and GUD. I am considering selling BIP 191. Any other recommendations including ETF, mutual funds or individual stocks to purchase or sell any existing holdings ?
Thank You
Q: Morning - I am a long time member and have done well over the years with a few of your small cap recommendations. I am curious if you can recommend a small - cap ETF for both US & Canadian markets (one for each) that you like?
Q: I have made some good gains on XCS(24%) and XIC (10.5%) from the market runup from January. Thanks to your article about small caps stocks from last year. Now I am wondering if I should take the gains, wait for a sell off and buy in again. With most of my stocks I never time the market and its all buy and hold but with XCS and perhaps XIC I am considering taking profits. Or mayble I should just take profits from XCS..Note that the holdings are in a registerd account so tax is not an issue. Your opinion is most valued. cheers, Shyam