Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNQ)
Tourmaline Oil Corp. (TOU)
Vermilion Energy Inc. (VET)
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Energy Index ETF (XEG)
Q: Hi Peter and co,
Although Mark Carney has eliminated the *consumer* carbon tax (which leaves industry still paying it I suspect, and the costs will still get passed through to consumers), given his track record and recent comments about commitment to net-zero and "heavy emitters will have to pay", it sounds to me like there will be significant headwinds for Canadian Energy companies if the Liberals are elected. I am considering lightening up on my Canadian energy holdings, given the probability of 4 years of energy-hostile policies. What are your thoughts on this move, for or against?
Although Mark Carney has eliminated the *consumer* carbon tax (which leaves industry still paying it I suspect, and the costs will still get passed through to consumers), given his track record and recent comments about commitment to net-zero and "heavy emitters will have to pay", it sounds to me like there will be significant headwinds for Canadian Energy companies if the Liberals are elected. I am considering lightening up on my Canadian energy holdings, given the probability of 4 years of energy-hostile policies. What are your thoughts on this move, for or against?