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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold the following IT equities and ETF and am reviewing them for duplication. Please advise which of these you would sell; ASGN, RBLX, UCTT, META, LOGI, MSFT CSU, XIT, TOI, STC. Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 26, 2022
Q: I own half positions or less in the above stocks and would like to move to 3 or 4 fuller positions from amongst this group. My focus is short to medium term (1-3 yrs) total return with a reasonable risk/reward outlook.
What would be your choices to concentrate this group.
Thanks, Hugh
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on January 18, 2022
Q: I have a small position in these companies, can you rate them a Buy, sell or hold.
Take as many credits as required. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 18, 2022
Q: Dear Peter et al:
You have built a stellar reputation by choosing some very fine winners. SHOP/LSPD/PBH/KXS and others which have gone to become multi baggers to use Peter Lynch's phrase!

From your new picks, your holdings in Growth portfolio and from your watch list which do you think are your next multi baggers? Can you gaze into your crystal ball and share your insights? I won't hold you to your predictions!! :) You may speak freely!! Once upon a time articles used to appear in financial magazines titled, "Next Microsoft is here"!! :)

I am asking this Question specifically to buy with new monies for TFSA/cash in RRSPs and some in non registered accounts. If not stocks , ETFs would be fine too.
Many thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on January 12, 2022
Q: Given a five year time period, please rate the growth prospects of the above stocks starting with the best.

Thank you. Appreciate your service.

Read Answer Asked by Howard on January 05, 2022
Q: Hello 5i Team
These stocks were all winners earlier this year now they are all my loser . They represent only 6% of my total portfolio should I hold on to them or cut my losses now ?
Happy new year to everyone on the 5i Team and all the members .
Wishing everyone a fantastic 2022 year.
Read Answer Asked by claudio on January 03, 2022
Q: Can you suggest companies right now to pick away at ,or would you wait a bit longer till tax loss season is over.
please 5 in the US and 5 in Canada.
If dividend is important which 3 stocks would you pick away at right now?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on December 06, 2021