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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please rank the following companies in order of their ability to survive a recession in 2023. Please also rank them as to whether they should be considered as Buy, Sell or Hold at current prices. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Joyce on November 28, 2022
Q: Currently down on these growth portfolio companies. Which have to best prospects to continue holding versus selling for a loss?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 28, 2022
Q: I recently sold an energy holding that has performed well.

I'm looking to re-invest some of the proceeds into Sangoma (STC) and/or EGLX, both of which I already own.

What are your current thoughts on Sangoma, given the decline in share price this year and its debt? Would I be better off adding that portion to EGLX instead?

This would be in a TFSA. Otherwise well-diversified investor in his late 50s with a cast-iron stomach.

Thanks as always!

Read Answer Asked by Marc on October 21, 2022
Q: Hello,

Thank you for all the help in these tough times. The advice from this service does help keep a person grounded in dark days. In anticipation of us reaching peak inflation and small caps beginning to turn around can you let me know which of these you would prefer? Both are trading close in stock price but CTS is much larger according to RBC website 1.3B vs 188M. Both are well down from their highs and both seem to still be growing at a good rate. Which in your view looks like the better horse? Or should a person pick both?

Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on October 03, 2022
Q: Sangoma is an interesting case. Undertook a huge acquisition, with revenues massively increasing. Operating costs increased massively however, resulting in larger net earnings losses compared to before the acquisition. My questions:
1) was the acquisition wise in retrospect?
2) how easy is it to get out of this pickle of larger losses?
3) is this an example of management getting compensation for the large acquisition, but not an apparent benefit to shareholders?
4) is Sangoma a good five year hold here, or what would you look for in its earnings to make it a good investment?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 09, 2022
Q: Growth focused investor, high tolerance for volitility, trade very little, seems buy and hold works much better for me, except in the above mentioned stocks. I'm down 50% or more in them all. Stocks are held in either TFSA or RRSP. Considering getting rid of one or all, reentering LSPD? If you were selling, what stocks and what order?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on July 29, 2022
Q: Hi, I have very small positions in each of these. Do you think it makes sense to sell STC ANRG and WELL to add to DND and CTS ? I view them as «safer» compagnies if a recession comes and they have as much long term upside potential as the others. What are your thoughts ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by anthony on June 20, 2022
Q: With the general sell off in tech stocks, I'm currently down about 40% on each of these companies. However, I remain long term positive on them and would like your opinion as whether now is the time to add to my positions or whether you feel there may be further pain ahead for the sector and I'd be better off biding my time?

Thanks, Rick
Read Answer Asked by Richard on June 15, 2022
Q: For fun if you were to build a concentrated portfolio with Canadian stocks maximum holding 7-10 what would be your picks today.
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on June 10, 2022
Q: These dogs of mine were barking today with Eglx the loudest at 14.8%(maybe due to activist).Any reasons? Is it timely to add in this market backdrop? Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on May 31, 2022
Q: A few years ago I read Benjamin Graham's The Intelligent Investor. To make money in the stock market, one simple axiom he proposed was to buy a dollar's worth of a company for less than a dollar. Sangoma now has a P/B ratio of .43 so it would appear to be a perfect candidate to put Graham's axiom to work given a long enough time horizon. Notwithstanding the current poor market conditions for small-cap tech stocks, would you agree that today an investor can buy a dollar's worth of Sangoma for 43 cents?

Thank you as always for your answer.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on May 26, 2022