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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Portfolio Analytics indicates that across all accounts, we are underweight in the Basic Materials sector. The two stocks and CGL.C listed above are the only holdings in this sector. (CGL.C is a small holding. as it can be traded with zero commission)

Please suggest some additional Canadian and U.S. stocks in this sector to improve diversification, include reasonable entry points, and rank them in order of what to purchase first.

For a Canadian ETF, what is your opinion of XMA?

Please deduct as many credits as necessary.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 30, 2024
Q: Portfolio Analytics indicates that, across all accounts, we are significantly underweight in the Basic Materials sector. The stocks and ETF noted above are the only holdings in this sector. (CGL.C is quite a small holding.)

Please suggest at least five additional Canadian stocks in this sector to improve diversification, include a reasonable entry point, and rank them in order of what to purchase first.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 29, 2024
Q: Hello, thank you for your reply of July 28th. I like the idea of obtaining physical gold -how does one begin the process to access it with PHYS?
Which type of account is it best to hold PHYS - REG, NON REG, OR CORPORATE AND WHY?

What is the differences between these 2 ETF? stability, growth, MER?
Which Sector does CGL.C belong to? What is a bullion stock?
PHYS belongs to the financial sector. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on July 29, 2022
Q: I’d like to dip my toe into doing a bit of technical trading. Are there signals that you prefer to use, and is there a specific kind of security (maybe an example) that this type of trading might work better on? Also, would this work for ETFs? I’ve been watching VGG using the MACD but I don’t think it’s a good candidate since it tends to trade in a narrow band and the signal seems to be too late getting in and out.

Read Answer Asked by Alan on September 11, 2020
Q: What is the best and cost effective strategy to hold gold or gold stocks in these uncertain times?
Read Answer Asked by Raj on May 26, 2020
Q: Which one of these companies would you prefer to go along with XGD for some gold exposure? Are there any hidden fees or costs associated with owning these names?What would you consider a reasonable portfolio percentage at this time? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Cory on February 26, 2020
Q: Here is a multi-part question regarding gold ETFs, please deduct as many credits as necessary:
1) If one were to choose one of the following gold ETFs to hedge their portfolio, which one would 5i recommend (or would you recommend another), and why? CGL.C, IGT, HUG, HGY. What is your opinion on the covered call strategy employed in HGY?
2) What is the difference between GLD and GLDM? What are the pros/cons of owning one versus the other?
3) How are gold ETFs taxed in Canada? Is there any taxable component that is payable even if the ETF is simply held and not sold?

Thank you very much!

Read Answer Asked by Walter on January 30, 2020
Q: Hi guys. In your opinion what is the best way in Canada to get some gold exposure? Would you buy a specific company Like AEM or WPM or just go with an etf like XGD?
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on January 22, 2020
Q: I own the ETF CGL.C and AEM and just wondering if I really need to own CGL.C.?Looking at the history of this ETF it has not done too much in return and wonder if it would be better to just sell CGL.C and put the proceed into AEM as my weight is not very high in AEM. Both are in a non -registered account. Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked on April 15, 2019