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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there, I am looking to own a broad market index canadian ETF and I am wondering what the best one to hold is between the companies I listen above (or if there is one that you would recommend that are different than these companies). I am holding this ETF inside a TFSA and I was hoping you could firstly, suggest a good index ETF to hold and for what reasons is is a good one. Thanks in Advanced! XIU,XIC,VCN ZCN
Read Answer Asked by Jadon on April 12, 2018
Q: Hi 5i,

I have 10k in my TFSA that I'd like to allocate to ETF's. I'm still in school so I won't have as much money coming in to diversify through stocks.

I was wondering what would be the best way to allocate (how many, what percentage)? I was thinking along the lines of XIC, SPY, and VIG.

Also, what do you think about investing purely in ETF's?

Thanks in advance,

Read Answer Asked by Jonathan on April 02, 2018
Q: My question is regarding someone with a substantial US portfolio who wants to invest in some Canadian companies. He is thinking of investing in a few Canadian growth Tech companies and a couple of blue chip ETF's. Can I please have your thoughts on this and some recommendations? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on March 05, 2018
Q: Hi 5i, 2018 is off to a intereting start!
Thanks for your great service and guidence in these uncharterted times, it is much appreciated!
I have 100,000. to invest in my RRSP acct looking for 7 etf' or stocks, am intereted in CSU however with the high $ run do you think it is still a buy.
Thanks PS
Read Answer Asked by Paulette on March 05, 2018
Q: Monthly, my husband and i contribute $200 to a mutual fund(ci select 40i60e, fund code= cig 2245) for my 33 and 31 yr old son/daughterinlaw. contributions 2014 $1800, 2015 $2400, 2016 $2400, 2017 $2400 = $9000 total. value of account December 31,2017 is $9732.00. January 2017 our advisor switched out of ci global asset alloc, ci cambridge global equity, ci signature high income, ci harbour corp class, ci harbour global equity and said having one fund (40i60e) would be best. Their current debt (in total) is a $240,000 mortgage. They want to pay this off before investing in the markets. Should we continue/cease the $200 monthly contributions to the 40i60e fund and buy them something else? To publish or not to publish the ? is up to you. thank you for your time. jane
Read Answer Asked by jane on February 26, 2018
Q: Thanks for the recommendation on XIC. As with many ETFs linked to the Cdn market, it appears to be weighted to financials, energy and materials (~ 65%). If you were to want to cover the Canadian market in a more balanced way (sector-wise) by owning XIC and a few stocks, what stocks would you add on? Please prefer BE stocks. This is for an RRSP with a 30-year horizon. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on February 20, 2018
Q: Dear 5i,
During the past week I had been deploying extra cash to rebalance my lower weighted holdings. I hold most of your BE Porfolio, some growth and a handful of US stocks. I have limited dry powder left to deploy and have significant losses in RRX and AEM (only energy / gold holdings except for ENB). I know you don't recommend buying the tsx index b/c it is weighted in resources and financials. I also have a little USD $ left. I am thinking of selling the loosers above for the capital loss and just buy the TSX index and the S&P 500 index with my remaining USD$. What do you think of this plan? Which index funds do you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on February 12, 2018
Q: I am looking for an ETF for RESPs for my three grandchildren. The eldest is 8 yrs old, so the money will not be needed for some time. I would like conservative growth, if there is such a thing. I am thinking of XIC or CDZ. Or maybe you could suggest something else. The amounts are about $5K so one ETF is probably best, for now. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on January 16, 2018
Q: I am setting up an all ETF portfolio for a 20 yr plus holding period and I have a two-part question. The first part concerns the makeup of the Canadian/US component. Is it better to go with a combination of SPY and XIC or would including CDZ and VIG provide stability and perhaps a bit more growth to the mix (keeping in mind that I intend to hold at least 5% of each but don't need income yet)?

Secondly, I am looking for higher risk assets for my TFSA. I was thinking of IWO. I know that there are specialized sectors I could include but I looking for a fairly hands-off approach. Do you think this approach would serve me well - I know that it is only one asset type - or is there a better mix out there that would still be quite manageable?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 10, 2018
Q: I've been a member of 5i for about two years and your help has been substantial. Thank-you. I currently own a portfolio that closely mirrors your balanced portfolio.

My question today relates to one asked recently about Warren Buffet's wishes regarding his investments should he die. I believe it was somethink like 10% to short term bonds and 90% to the S&P 500. I'm seeking advice regarding what a kind of portfolio a Canadian should develop in a similar situation. My wife has no interest in day to day stock analysis. Should she inherit our portfolio, I'd like to construct a 'buy and hold' ETF portfolio, in addition to our current portfolio, with exposure to Canada, the United States and the rest of the world. This would comprise the equity part of a more complete portfolio. Hopefully, it would have the potential to show resonable gains with little attention by the owner. My question is: which 3 ETF's would you choose to gain exposure to the 3 markets for a Canadian who simply wants to buy and hold? What % would you put into each ETF?
All the best to you and your families for the holiday season.
Read Answer Asked by Les on December 22, 2017
Read Answer Asked by Susan and Philip on December 04, 2017
Q: My daughter wants to start a TSFA with $5000.00. This will be a long term investment with nothing else added for at least a year or two. She is 24. Would you recommend a couple of stocks or would etf's be the way to go? Which stocks or Etf's would you suggest? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on November 20, 2017
Q: What would you pick as the best handful of etfs to own to build a beginner, well balanced portfolio for building up investment dollars? At what dollar amount would you see it to be more beneficial to split the money among 20-30 individual stocks rather than a few funds?
Read Answer Asked by david on October 27, 2017
Q: I would like to buy some etfs but am concerned about liquidity. I would prefer to buy US Europe and emerging markets in US currency. Can you recommend the best etfs in canada US europe and EM thar have a large nuber of shares traded daily?
Read Answer Asked by hal on October 24, 2017