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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i
I am heavily in financials 32% am working to diversify in my portfolio. I have listed a number of my invested companies. Investments are in Can. Cash, TFSA & RRSP heaviest in (RRSP)
I would like to re-invest in divided stocks and 2 ETFs. can you advise which would be best replaced and list a few that are in your top considerations.

Thanks, Scott
Read Answer Asked by Paulette on July 04, 2017
Q: There is currently a plethora of ways to invest in the US Market without touching sector funds. Would you use any of the above ETFs and if so in what proportion or would you suggest using any other US ETFs as well. High conviction US Mutual funds are also an option; but the fees are somewhat higher. I currently have no US coverage and am looking at establishing a 15-20% position. I know timing is a bit of a quess; but with the recent run up would you please suggest a strategy?

Thanks and
A very Merry Christmas to all
Read Answer Asked by Warren on December 19, 2016
Q: I am thinking of investing in U.S. large cap companies more specifically an ETF. Are you better off to invest in a fund like SPY (U.S. dollars) or in the other canadian fund base companies like HXS,VUN or XUS. I noticed that the ytd. return is approx. 14% for SPY versus the others at %7% for this current year.
Read Answer Asked by serge on December 15, 2016