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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Several years ago your team helped me build out my sons (2) RESP accounts. The stocks have all done well growing approx 55%. THANK YOU! My oldest is finishing year one of university and my youngest will start in 2.5 years. It’s a conservative portfolio of stocks with 30% in interest bearing instruments. I have enough now for both of them so (my) common sense says move all to capital preservation - interest only vehicles. Do you agree and if so, can you recommend anything I can lock into for 2 ish years?
Read Answer Asked by Don on February 02, 2021
Q: Could you suggest 3 ETFs for the fixed income component of a portfolio of recently retired individual.
Read Answer Asked by Francisco on January 26, 2021
Q: I have allocated 20%-25% of my portfolio to Fixed Income. Would XBB and CBO be sufficient to cover the fixed income component? (say 50-50).

Thanks again for the great advice as always!
Read Answer Asked by Alka on January 25, 2021
Q: First a big thank you for the terrific returns we received in 2020 thanks to your stellar guidance (our largest holdings we first discovered through 5i -hello LSPD,XBC and WELL!). We gifted our kids memberships in December and praise your service to everyone. This is truly an invaluable service.
Now to the question, my brother is tired of paying high fees for his CIBC pension holdings. When I looked into this for him last year, some pools had MER in the 2% range! He’s moved the following into cash and is looking for lower fee/higher return alternatives in the following areas of his pension account:
-Imperial Canadian Dividend Income Pool
-Imperial Canadian Equity High Income Pool
-Imperial US Equity Pool
-Imperial International Equity Pool
-Imperial Short Term Bond Pool
-Imperial Long Term Bond Pool
Please charge as many questions as required.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on January 21, 2021
Q: For the fixed income portion of the portfolio, do you have any recommendations / suggestions (ETF, private fund, mutual fund, specific bonds). Realistically, hoping for a return between 3 and 6%. I am ok to take some risk. Looking for a decent risk/reward investment. Long term hold.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on January 18, 2021
Q: Setting up an 40K RRSP with a 6 to 10 year time frame. What is your opinion and/or alternatives to ZEB, VXC, ZDV, XBB in equal proportions.
Read Answer Asked by Ric on January 11, 2021
Q: Fixed Income portion of portfolio is 40% and some deposits came due so need to deploy that cash into fixed income. Thinking of putting 25% of the 40% FI into these two ETFs. I would appreciate your thoughts on this plan please. Alternatives are welcome. Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on December 21, 2020
Q: I had a GIC come due last week in my RRIF, which is managed by an advisor.
They advised buying a bond fund, Dynamic Edge Conservative Class A, MER is 1.89%. What do you think about this fund, it is a fund of funds?
What would you suggest ( for a senior) as an alternative. The amount $30,000.00. The GIC rate is about 1%.
I value your opinion.
I really value your advice, as I am a senior
Read Answer Asked by Shirley on December 02, 2020
Q: Ishares US REAL ESTATE ETF (not in your data base)
can you comment on this ETF for a diversified real estate play. Do you view this as a decent entry point.
What's your view of starting a portfolio of these 5 ETFS with a 20% weighting in each, then rebalancing every year back to the original 20% weighting. Im hoping maintaining the 20% cash position will help smooth out the portfolio in these uncertain times, maybe it will outperform the more popular 60/40 portfolio.
thanks Gordie
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on October 28, 2020
Q: What are the best bond etfs to own in Canada and US in your opinion? Please provide several options in both countries. Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Mirjana on October 14, 2020
Q: I just recently retired and within my portfolio have approx 60% in Bonds (As per above) - while these have been a great hedge against the equity holdings, I am considering either selling some of the bonds listed above - approx 10% and moving these monies into either high yield bonds - ie CHB or ZHY or if not into high yield bonds possibly a high yield dividend fund like XEI or ZWC or ?
While I would like to increase the income on these monies - do you think this is a good time to make this move?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on September 25, 2020
Q: Hi Folks,

I know your main focus is stocks, but if you have some cash to invest and you don't want it it equities, would you prefer XBB or XSB right now? Or is there another bond fund alternative I should look at for $CDN. This if for a long term hold.

Thank you. Michael

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on September 21, 2020
Q: What are the best government bonds for a retired 70 year old, that presently has no fixed income????
Read Answer Asked by Manuel on July 23, 2020
Q: My husband and I are in our mid 60's and were hoping to retire in the next 2-3 yrs (however we may need to postpone depending on how 2020/2021 goes). At the moment our asset allocation is 67% equities and 33% fixed income and we feel we need to shift toward fixed income.
2 questions:
1. Undercurrent conditions, would you suggest a 60/40 split,a 50/50 split or do nothing for next 6 months?
2. If it make sense to make some adjustments now, which of the following fixed assets would you add to and which equities would you recommend trimming: current fixed positions are 10% each in XBB, PMO005, ZIC; equities over 5% are TD(6%), ZUT(8%) and XIC (7%).
Read Answer Asked by Rosemin on June 25, 2020
Q: Dear 5i,

Can I please get your opinion regarding these 3 Canadian Aggregate Bond ETF's.
MKB and HAD have MER's approx. 4 times higher than the passive XBB ETF. It looks like the overall Total Return performance is better with MKB and HAD but, only by about 0.5 to 1%.
1. Do you think it is worth paying the extra fees for MKB and HAD?
2. If yes, which one would you choose between MKB and HAD?
3. With interest rates already very low does it make any sense to purchase any Canadian aggregate bonds?

Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 17, 2020
Q: Good morning! I would like to add to the fixed income side of my portfolio ... pls recommend the best fixed income investment today (retired, long-term hold, dividend investor). Thank you for this Q&A service!
Read Answer Asked by Patrik on May 21, 2020