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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am currently managing my TFSA/RRSP funds and some money outside of registered accounts, which are largely individual stocks. With the market volatility, potential recession and war in Ukraine, I am finding it more difficult to keep on top of the individual stocks and am therefore considering going to ETF's. I am a year away from retirement but would be ok with more risk in the TFSA/RRSP's.
Could you please suggest 5 ETF's for the registered accounts and 5 ETF's for the non-registered accounts.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Jacquie on June 02, 2022
Q: What is your suggestion for bonds or a bond fund in this market climate? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 25, 2022
Q: Hello Team.. As interest rates climb my strategy is to slowly buy into bond funds (now in cash).. maybe ZAG or XSH. For example at 3.48 % for ZAG, that's a reasonable dividend and the rate hikes have barely begun. My question is -although the unit price of the fund will decrease "is the payout stable or increasing" as maturing bonds are replaced at higher yields.Steady buying at lower unit prices (and higher dividend)could help kill the pain of the early buying-what do you think.( 71 year old income investor soon to be starting RIF withdrawals) Thank you yet regards Gary
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 12, 2022
Q: I recognize this is a timing question so apologies in advance. My portfolio is 100% equities (no bonds). As I approach retirement I am thinking of moving 20-25% of my RSP/LIRA into bond ETF's. With rising rates and high inflation am I best to wait this out until we get closer to the end of the rate hiking cycle? If I was to time it perfectly (I know, I know) would it be to buy the bond funds at the interest rate peak? Please recommend a few ETF's to achieve a balanced bond portfolio and any thoughts you have on timing this.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on April 05, 2022
Q: I have about half of my balanced income portfolio in equities and the remainder in cash. Although my stocks are balanced, I still hold no fixed income investments. I like the sleep at night cash but feel it is too big of a chunk to just let sit in cash., Can you please suggest an approach to fixed income and recommend a few possibilities to consider. As always, thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 29, 2022
Q: Hi 5i team,

As many do, I currently hold part of my portfolio in fixed income (bond etfs). I am wondering if you can recommend any fixed income or "fixed income like" investments that might hold up best in the current rising rate environment that seems to have a long way to run. I had held ZAG but have switched to VSB with rates rising. Currently even cash is doing better than these however. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 25, 2022
Q: According to a G&M article on treat of stagflation, XSB is not a good choice of invest re 40-60 portfolio.
Assuming you agree with this article what would be your top 3 or 4 investment to replace XSB ?
Read Answer Asked by Roy on March 21, 2022
Q: What is your view on QYLD as a place to stash cash in the current market? Looking at the chart, although its unit value has dropped since inception, it seems to have held its value on a total return basis - would you agree? Any better recommendation?
Read Answer Asked by David on March 14, 2022
Q: Hello 5i
We're curious about FLX (formerly FLOT)

Held since 2018Dec it was up ~2.85% including Interest pmts at 2021Dec31
Since then it has further dropped and we are now down ~2.0% (including interest pmts)
Would appreciate your opinion whether this is due to the change in its
investment objective introduced in December, or is it more related to the market
scenario since then.

Would you recommend holding or exchange for some safer bond ETF ?
If the latter could you please provide a couple of examples

Thanks for your guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Terrance on March 14, 2022
Q: If you were to sell any of the above, list in order your top 5 or 6. Or would you keep the portfolio as is for next 3 years.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on March 04, 2022
Q: Context: Sold CNQ after a long run up. Funds now to deploy into a locked in RSP about to be unlocked into an income stream. Currently have all blue chip dividend payers and am looking to offset risk by initiating a bond position. Looking for:
-CDN domiciled etf with NA and/or Global focus
-3% minimum yield
-High grade but willing to accept corporates for yield
-Prefer shorter term to maturity, to match future rate increases
-If not CDN domiciled, willing to look at US and willing to look at more than one to match criteria

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Harry on February 28, 2022
Q: Portolio Analytics shows that I'm woefully short in fixed income. I am wholly unfamiliar with the category - is it as simple as shopping for the best GIC rate, or are there other, better options I should consider? Please give me some recommendations. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ben on February 23, 2022
Q: I have used hfr to park cash for several years. With rates about to rise I want to park some additional cash there but wondering if there is/are other short-term note etfs you can recommend for comparison.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 17, 2022
Q: It seems certain there will be several interest rate increases this year (and possibly more in 2023). That means fixed income will become more attractive. Please provide your outlook on this change and discuss how various fixed-income types (bonds, mortgages, mortgage-backed securities, consumer financing, etc.) will be affected and what opportunities for individual investors are likely to appear in the fixed-income sector as rates rise over the next 12-18 months.

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by John on January 24, 2022