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Investment Q&A

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Q: Hey team. I'm a senior, dividend investor and I have been investigating both Ishares XEI (S&P Comp High Div ETF) and Vanguards VDY (Vangaurd FTSE Canadian High Div Yield Index ETF).
They look pretty much the same with slightly different holdings with XEI having a slightly higher dividend. Looking for your advice as to which one has the edge on the other. I own XEI now.
My second question is on the Ishares ETF- FIE (Canadian Financial Monthly Income) Yield of 6.49% when I looked. I'm not real happy with the high MER of .80 Would you know of an equivalent ETF with a lower MER that I could research? Cheers and thanks for your expertise and advice. Bill
Read Answer Asked by William on September 18, 2024