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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning,
I currently own HXS and HXT in most of my RESP/TFSA/RRIF and NON - REGISTERED accounts.
In completing an annual performance review of my family portfolio, I noticed that the difference in calendar year performance between HXS and HXS.U is quite significant. In fact for 2024 the calendar year performance of HXS was 35.04% while the calendar year performance of the HXS.U was 24.48%.
I assume that most of the difference can be attributed to the difference between the Can $ and US $.

Q1. If one believes that the CDN$ will remain depressed compared to the US$ for the foreseeable future, which version of these Global X ETFs, do you recommend holding in RESP/TFSA/RRIF accounts where taxes are not an issue.

Q2. Which type of accounts (RESP/RRIF/TFSA/Non-Registered) stand to benefit the most from holding these Total Return ETFs and in what order?

Thank you and I'll await your response.

Read Answer Asked by Francesco on January 15, 2025
Q: Awhile back I asked a question about the Horizon etf's , which pay in capital gains, rather than dividends. You were good enough to supply me with HXS and HXT. The HXS is the S&P 500. But, it is bought in Canadian dollars. I didn't mention it but I was looking for one that could be bought and sold in US dollars. Is there something from Horizon that can do that? Or, from another company?
thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by joseph on November 12, 2024
Q: I am considering buying HXS.U and HXQ.U in my non registered account for tax purposes. When looking at the 5 year charts of these 2 etfs I noticed a very large drop in both of them on the same day. For example HXS.U went from $85.38 on June 28 2021 to $43.03 on July 5 2021. These drops did not occur in the BMO etf ZSP.U or ZNQ.U. These drops did not occur in HXS or HXQ on that day either.
What happened then? Is there a risk that it could happen again. To lose half of their value is quite a scare.
Read Answer Asked by Anna on September 13, 2023
Q: Good morning, I have some USD in my tfsa and was wondering if you could suggest a few ETFs in the states where I won’t get charged a withholding tax. Can be growth or index oriented.
Read Answer Asked by Seamus on October 07, 2022
Q: Hello,
I am trying to understand how Horizons S&P 500 Index ETF tracks the index. At the moment I'm typing this message, the S&P 500 sits at 0% daily change, SPY at -0.03% while HXS is at -1.09% and HXS-U is at -1.08%. Why do we see such significant deviation from the index in $3.5B ETF with very high trading volume and close spread between bid and ask? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 13, 2022
Q: Do you have a preference between HXS.CA vs HXS.U and HXQ.CA vs HXQ.U and could you comment on HXX - would it be the same as the others with the exception of the focus on Europe?
Thanks for your service
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on April 02, 2021
Q: I'm hoping you can help me understand something.

On yahoo finance if I pull up a 6 month chat of HXS.TO and compare it to the S&P 500 index, HXS is underperforming by a significant amount (up 28% vs. 38%).  However if I add HXS.U.TO (the US dollar version of HXS) it tracks the index much closer.  Do you know why these two etfs track the index so differently?

In my RSP I buy HXS.TO weekly and journal the shares over to the US side a couple times throughout the year to buy US listed ETFs.  When I journal the HXS shares over do my gains magically increase?

Thanks for your help!
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on September 22, 2020
Q: I have purposely maintained my non-registered foreign holdings (principally US) below $100K simply to avoid the hassle of reporting to Revenue Canada and completing a T1135. I now find that continuing to do so will leave me underinvested in US markets. Is there a way to get broad US exposure (i.e. S&P 500) with an ETF that would not be deemed as foreign property? Would HXS or HXS.U accomplish this? If yes is there an equivalent Nasdaq ETF?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on February 12, 2020
Q: Hello. If I were someone who:

1. Wanted to take my time researching and selecting stocks to purchase (perhaps weeks or months between each purchase), and
2. Doesn't yet know how much I'll be investing in Canadian stocks and how much I'll be investing US stocks, and
3. Will be exclusively investing in registered accounts (TFSA and RRSP).

Is it a sound strategy to simply buy one or two dual-listed, broad-market ETFs (like HXS and HXQ) in order to just be in the market while I take my time selecting stocks? This gives me the flexibility of selling the shares in either currency when it comes time to make another purchase, avoiding hefty currency exchange fees.

Or should the increased expense ratio of these dual-listed ETFs versus the cheaper alternatives like IVV and QQQ be a concern? Are there any other flaws with this strategy and/or is there a better strategy suited to this scenario?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Laxmyharan on January 28, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,

Knowing that the US is not your focus, I would still value your opinion.

I have 30% of my portfolio in cash sitting in a USD margin account and I would like to invest in etfs for the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100; could you please suggest etfs that do not pay any yield? I am also looking at IPAY and IWO for some diversification, would you be okay with this? Would there be any significant overlap in all these etfs? What percentage weighting would you have for more growth, medium to high risk tolerance and long term hold ?

Thanks as always. Please deduct as many credits as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by K on November 12, 2018