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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i Team: In an anticipated rising rate environment I am leaning towards adding more ZPR in my preferred share segment of my fixed income portfolio. Am I correct in thinking ZPR is (no pun intended) preferable over HPR at this time? Or should I take HPR as a little diversification as I only hold rate resets in my preferred share portfolio at the present time.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 16, 2017
Q: I have 2 preferred share ETFs (CPD and HPR) that are both up about 6 percent over the last few months. I have noticed a slight outperformance with the actively managed ETF (6.01% vs. 5.59%). The fees are slightly higher with the actively managed ETF (0.64% vs 0.51%). Is it advisable to switch my holdings in CPD and put everything in the actively managed ETF? Is it worth it or is the outperformance a red herring because of the short time period?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Jason on January 31, 2017
Q: I wish all 5i staff and they families Season's Greetings' I hope 2017 sees our portfolios grow ever healthier.

I want to gradually add some preferred shares to my portfolio, partly in lieu of some fixed income. In looking at potential candidates, I am attracted to the above three ETFs, particularly ZPR with its laddered feature. Do you have any thoughts? Are all distributions of such ETFs taxed as dividends? Thanks, Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on December 23, 2016
Q: Hi guys,

My portfolio is $500,000 with $450,000 in equities and $50,000 in fixed income. I just changed my asset allocation from 100% equities to 90% equities and 10% fixed income. I have $50,000 cash to invest in fixed income and I put my first tranche of $10,000 in CPD for the yield and to gain from rising rates if and when they occur. I was reading some previous questions and you talked about having ETFs as a minimum 5% weighting because of the number of securities they hold. In this case with CPD, it is currently 2% and I will add to it as opportunities arise. I debated splitting the 5% between CPD (3%) and HPR (2%), which is an active traded preferred share fund. Is this recommended for a total weighting of 5% in preferred shares or should I just stick to CPD. My other 5% weighting will be in a laddered corporate bond ETF since I think it provides better protection against rising rates that a government bond ETF and also has a better yield. Agree?

Thanks for your help,
Read Answer Asked by Jason on November 02, 2016
Q: I am considering purchasing a preferred ETF. Perhaps, one of CPD, ZPR, PPS or HPR. I notice that HPR has the lowest yield and highest MER but over the past 5 years it has done appreciable better; i.e., lost quite a bit less, than the other three. Is this attributable to its 'active' management or is there something different about its diversity of preferred shares?
Read Answer Asked by richard on August 02, 2016