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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5I, in view of future interest rate increases I am looking for investment with some income and protecting my capital. I would like your help in assessing the above, Also, please rate them, perhaps suggesting better ones. Many thanks , J.A.P Burlington, on.
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on January 22, 2018
Q: given current markets, what percentage of the above etf's would you hold for fixed income...thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on December 13, 2017
Q: I've got excess cash in my RRSP, waiting to be deployed in the event of a downturn. I'm thinking of converting some of it to bonds while I wait, so as to earn a bit more than a high interest savings account can offer. I was wondering if you could recommend a few ETFs for that purpose. The ideal bond ETFs would be safe, rapidly deployable to cash, with a decent yield and likely to become more attractive investments themselves in the event of a downturn. Thanks for any suggestions. If you could add a short note about what would be the main risk to those ETFs, I'd appreciate it.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 08, 2017
Q: Hi 5i:
For a first time investor with $25,000 to deploy and this is their only investments. What would your opinion be on the above etfs basically equally split between them. Time frame is long term and they would be in a TFSA.
Additional future investments would then be in individual stocks.
Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 08, 2017
Q: Just sold my house and not planning to buy one within half a year. I am using part of the proceeds investing in 5i stocks. I want to park the rest of the money somewhere relatively safe for a quarter or half a year. Looking at,,, even, A bank is giving you nothing. Please advice
Read Answer Asked by Dong Sheng on October 05, 2017
Q: Just a comment. You recommend without caveat HFR as a short term hold for cash. This ETF does fluctuate and with just a 2.1% payout annually can negate this modest payout, just like any other equity. I held this for a year and broke even on distributions/capital gain but paid higher taxes on the distributions than the capital gain so overall lost on a full year hold. This is not for short term holds any more than BCE would be.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on September 28, 2017
Q: Greetings Peter and 5i Team,
I have $100,000 to invest in the fixed income part of my portfolio. All investments will be inside a RRSP. As a retiree, I'm hoping for capital preservation, (safety) with a reasonable return on my investment. Currently, the only exposure I have to fixed income is ZPR. I'm considering adding the investments in your Income Fund (CVD, XHY), as well as HFR to my portfolio.
-Do you believe these investments will provide solid fixed income exposure?
-Do you see any way I can improve my exposure to the sector? i.e. is there any need for exposure to foreign bonds?
- What percentage of the $100,000 would you allocate to each ETF?
As always, thanks in advance for your appreciated support.

Read Answer Asked by Les on July 13, 2017
Q: Good Morning: I have been raising my cash holdings somewhat in light of a prolonged bull market with high equity valuations and increasing geopolitical risk. I have some of this cash in HISA's with an average yield of about 1.7% or so. However, I am considering putting some of it into a bond etf since I don't feel I have the know how to successfully put together a ladder of actual bonds. What I would like your opinion on is what would be the best 2 or 3 options in Cdn. bond etfs for preservation of capital combined with optimal yield (recognizing that the two are almost always working in opposite directions.) Of course, if you have another option for parking cash, that would also be appreciated. (I do have some preferred share holdings but past experience has taught me that they are not immune to market corrections.) Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on June 15, 2017
Q: Hi, Is something like PMM or HHF (even if higher expense ratio) or other alternative EFT a viable substitute for Bonds as a portfolio diversifier? Thanks for the valued opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Boyd on May 24, 2017
Q: You were not enthused with this issue when it did an IPO on November 1,2016. Have you changed you view? If not what would you recommend as a good place to park cash.
The cash balance usually $100K would fluctuate; but would never go to Zero.

Thanks Team
Read Answer Asked by Warren on March 30, 2017