Q: Last week , with the prospect of a correction and growing speculation (esp. in pot and crypto), I sold many equities to lock in profits (retaining a few gold names) and bought some HVU (double volatility index) as a bit of insurance. It paid off handsomely, with a 68% spike yesterday alone. Looking at the long term chart of HVU, volume is unprecedented and it looks like the period of reverse volatility ran long and deep. I know none of us can predict the future, but does it make sense to hang on to HVU as insurance for awhile in the face of what could be a stormy period in the global markets (even without a geo-political catalyst!).
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Investment Q&A
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BetaPro S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (HUV)
BetaPro S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures 2x Daily Bull ETF (HVU)
Barclays Bank PLC ZC SP ETN REDEEM 23/01/2048 USD 27.193879 - Ser A ShortTerm Futu (VXX)
Q: what is the best and most liquid way to play the vix in canada and in canadian funds.dave
BetaPro S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures 2x Daily Bull ETF (HVU)
BetaPro Canadian Gold Miners -2x Daily Bear ETF (HGD)
Q: I'm looking at these two ETFs for the short term, as they are near a 52 week low and have fairly good liquidity. Which one would you recommend the most, or would have a better suggestion ? Thanks
Q: I bought some HVU yesterday and of course it is up this mourning should I hang on for awhile or sell on the jump today. I realize no matter what this ETF is a short term trade. Also your short term on gold (which I am also holding)