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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear 5i Staff,
I would like to participate in the energy price recovery and the expected new US Administration favorable bias toward energy companies.
My question is it better to invest in Canadian or US energy companies now
Which of these stock you favor: Duke, Exxon, Chevron or maybe an ETF is better. Any other suggestion.
Thank you and best wishes for the season.
Is my strategy makes sense.
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on December 13, 2016
Q: I have no exposure to the oil and gas sector. I am thinking of going 3% to 5% and would like your opinion on whether now is a reasonable time to re-enter this market. If so, would looking at the U.S. market be better than the Canadian Mkt. Any suggested companies or ETF's would be appreciated.

Cheers, Bob
Read Answer Asked by robert on October 03, 2016
Q: Hi again,
Sorry the symbol I was asking about is HEU. I've copied the question again below.

Hi 5i, I think over the next 3-5 years oil is going to rally up. In doing some reading I found this etf. The management fee is definitely higher than I like. I'm not exactly sure how the 200% correlation works but it sounds like if energy goes up it would be a good thing. Could you give your opinion on this fund, also could you give some better options for getting some more energy in my portfolio if you know of some. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by david on May 27, 2016
Q: I read with interest your recent article in the Post and was intrigued by the comment that research shows 90% of portfolio returns come from sector allocation - if a person wanted to take advantage of that, in a simple, easy to manage and inexpensive way (ignoring taxes for the moment) what would be your view be on an approach where one's equity component of their portfolio consisted entirely of a number of ETF's with each one of the ETF's focused on a particular sector, with a periodic (say quarterly) rebalancing? What specific ETF's would you suggest for such a portfolio? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by RICHARD on May 20, 2016