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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I manage my husband's and my TFSA's as if they are one account so we do not duplicate the stocks in the 2 accounts and can have a reasonable size of position. We have a similar weighting of ALA, REI.UN, SIA, WSP, ZEB, BEP.UN, CGX, and HR.UN and PKI, and a double weighting of CPD and CDZ. We currently have about $110K in the two accounts and $20K of that is in cash. Can you suggest what we might add to or change in the above list, considering that we prefer income paying securities with some growth prospects and want the TFSA's to act independently of our other investments as a relatively conservative growth vehicle.
Read Answer Asked by Maria on December 02, 2016
Q: I read with interest your recent article in the Post and was intrigued by the comment that research shows 90% of portfolio returns come from sector allocation - if a person wanted to take advantage of that, in a simple, easy to manage and inexpensive way (ignoring taxes for the moment) what would be your view be on an approach where one's equity component of their portfolio consisted entirely of a number of ETF's with each one of the ETF's focused on a particular sector, with a periodic (say quarterly) rebalancing? What specific ETF's would you suggest for such a portfolio? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by RICHARD on May 20, 2016