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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What would be the best equal weight TSX ETF (CDN $) and also S&P (US dollars) Low fees for both.
Read Answer Asked by Maria on November 02, 2020
Q: Looking for the best of both worlds ... income and some growth.
AND not finding bonds very compelling due to low interest rates.
AND as part of my holdings in the financial sector.
Would it make sense to buy and hold ZEB (4.7% yield) and ZWB (6.65%) ?
My thinking here is ZEB would capture more capital gains once interest rates start to move up and bank shares rise in value; while ZWB captures a higher yield in the meantime?
Of course I am also open to a better suggestion.

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on August 11, 2020
Q: Tony Dwyer from Cannacord likes to refer to "banks and tanks" as good areas to be in when the economy eventually turns positive. I believe he's referring to the more cyclicals. Can you suggest both Cdn and US ETF's that would fit the bill. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Darcy on June 22, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,
We are older retirees and have held ZWB and ZWH
in our RRIFs for income for many years. I just ran a Quicken report on performance and neither performed particularly well. I am about to switch ZWB for ZEB and ZWH for VGG. We can live without the monthly covered call income and I am assuming the replacements will outperform the covered call ETFs in a recovery. Your comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for the service.
Read Answer Asked by Ted on May 21, 2020
Q: Please rank the above ETFs in order of preference for income and safety. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on April 08, 2020
Q: I understand that a covered call ETF will produce lower highs and higher lows compared to a non-covered call ETF. However, what would cause the ETF's to have an inverse relation on a trading day? For example, if we take ZEB and ZWB, I noticed on some trading days in the past (even before the current volatility), one ETF would be up a few % points, while the other ETF would be down a few % points.
Read Answer Asked by Craig on April 01, 2020
Q: Most of my son's assets (all tfsa) are in the etfs zwb, vgg and vee. Would you suggest substituting any other etfs at this point with an eye to catching the rebound? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by William on March 31, 2020
Q: I have held the above stock, (TD) for several years and recently sold,, as it has easily been the most volatile stock in my portfolio. I am thinking of spreading the risk by investing in a good bank etf or reinvesting in one bank when the situation calms down. What are your thoughts, and if the etf route is best, which one or ones would you recommend.

Thanks, David
Read Answer Asked by david on March 23, 2020
Q: Thanks for your calming influence these days. Also appreciate your expression of empathy in your market update: we all recognize that what is unfolding brings a lot of emotional strain.
I own some ZWB because for the last few years didn't really see any catalyst to make banks move rapidly. Its Beta is 0.94. I am wondering if ZEB would be a better holding during the recovery with its Beta of 1.02. Does the "covered call" aspect of ZWB carry a downside for such market conditions?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Marilou on March 19, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,
I want to buy ETFs for my RRSP to capture the eventual market recovery. I'm thinking of the utilities and banks sectors. I understand that 'covered call' ETFs are not ideal to capture market gain in an upswing. Which ETF would you recommend for Canadian utilities industry? And which one for Canadian banks? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on March 16, 2020
Q: 5I Team,
I own IHI etf, I like it's limited number of stocks (10 top stocks 70%)
Can you please suggest few ETF that have limited number of stocks (any sector, US, Can, Global) ?
Best regards
Read Answer Asked by Djamel on December 27, 2019