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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: For US stock exposure, is it better to hold the CAD or USD version. Does the CAD version have and exchange fees. Does it hedge out currency exposure.
Also as its traded on the TSX, I understand its does not count as a US stock holding so no US estate tax exposure for non-registered accounts. Are there other similar ETF's
Read Answer Asked by Lloyd on April 04, 2017
Q: I've never had any interest in ETFs until yesterday a friend told me the error of my ways. He gave me two names ZSP and ZWB that both have annual combined returns (yield & growth) exceeding 20%. It was a real eye opener for sure.

Do you know where can I find reports on line that rate the performance of most Canadian traded ETFs? As well, do you have other ETF names that are comparable in combined returns with ZWB and ZSP that you can recommend?

Read Answer Asked by Victor on March 20, 2017
Q: I am looking at moving a significant chunk of our retirement money into either/both the Tangerine Equity Growth Portfolio and the Tangerine Balanced Growth Portfolio in an attempt to follow the 'one fund solution'. What are your thoughts and are there alternative index funds you think may be a better bet. This is my first question (membership was a Christmas prezzie from my dad)!
Read Answer Asked by Chris on January 17, 2017