Q: With the threat of inflation moving back up, would you find a place for either of these funds in a portfolio today? Thanks, great service.
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: I note you last comment on ZRR (BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF) was in 2022. I note it has declined from the $19 range about a year ago down to $14 currently. What are your thoughts on it today as a place to invest for dividend income (RBC shows a dividend of 6.83%). I am interested in it for income as I am retired. How safe is the dividend and what will cause the price to appreciate again?
Q: Based of a previous comment from you, I bought ZRR as a hedge against rising interest rates. I am down 10% since buying it. Perhaps I misunderstood what you said. Why is it dropping? Thanks.
Q: You recently commented that ZRR could represent a defense against inflation and rising interest rates. If this is true, then as we are now dealing with inflation and rising rates, why is ZRR's 1 year chart falling steadily? What am I missing? Thanks for a great service.
Q: Yesterday you suggested the above entities for possible inflation protection for my current cash positions. I have looked at their summaries but don't understand how they work. Can you please explain in layman's terms? As always, I appreciate your inputs. Al
Q: I have too much cash and too little fixed income investments. We are facing inflation headwinds and the GIC rates I'm looking at ( sub four per cent) don't come close to this years forecast inflation. My pref shares are slumping. Can you suggest any inflation adjusted investments that are as safe or nearly as safe as GICs? In the US the treasury offers i-bonds in limited amounts. Do we have any equivalents here in our fine country? Thanks, al
Q: What do you think of this new ishares TIPS ETF? What is the yield? Does it have a place in a long term portfolio?
Please let me know if you prefer this or ZRR.
Please let me know if you prefer this or ZRR.
BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR)
iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB)
Mackenzie Financial Corporation (QTIP)
BMO Short-Term US TIPS Index ETF (ZTIP.F)
iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (XSTH)
Q: Hello 5i Team
I currently hold a Canada Real Return Bond (Canada Dec-21) in a RRSP account which matures December 01, 2021.
I would like to maintain my current exposure to Real Return Bonds, however from experience I find it very difficult to purchase Real Return Bonds from my discount broker.
I am looking at the following current Real Return Bond ETF:
XRB MER = 0.39 % Effective Duration 15.26 year YTM 1.83 %
ZRR MER = 0.28 % Effective Duration 15.91 year YTM 1.65 %
Three newer ETFs based on the US short term TIPS are as follows:
BMO Short-Term US TIPS Index ETF (Hedged Units) [ZTIP.F] MER = 0.17 % Effective Duration 2.65 year YTM 0.24 %
iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) [XSTH] MER = 0.15 % Effective Duration 2.60 years YTM 0.23 %
Mackenzie US TIPS Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) [QTIP] MER = 0.17 % Effective Duration 8.05 year YTM 1.13 %
Which ETF would be a suitable replacement for my Canadian $ Real Return Bond maturing on December 01, 2021?
Thank you
I currently hold a Canada Real Return Bond (Canada Dec-21) in a RRSP account which matures December 01, 2021.
I would like to maintain my current exposure to Real Return Bonds, however from experience I find it very difficult to purchase Real Return Bonds from my discount broker.
I am looking at the following current Real Return Bond ETF:
XRB MER = 0.39 % Effective Duration 15.26 year YTM 1.83 %
ZRR MER = 0.28 % Effective Duration 15.91 year YTM 1.65 %
Three newer ETFs based on the US short term TIPS are as follows:
BMO Short-Term US TIPS Index ETF (Hedged Units) [ZTIP.F] MER = 0.17 % Effective Duration 2.65 year YTM 0.24 %
iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) [XSTH] MER = 0.15 % Effective Duration 2.60 years YTM 0.23 %
Mackenzie US TIPS Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) [QTIP] MER = 0.17 % Effective Duration 8.05 year YTM 1.13 %
Which ETF would be a suitable replacement for my Canadian $ Real Return Bond maturing on December 01, 2021?
Thank you
Q: What are your thoughts of ZRR given the current inflation and interest rate environment? Would you invest in it at this time?
BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR)
iShares 1-10 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF (CBH)
iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB)
iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (XBB)
Q: In my balanced cash account I hold CBH as the fixed income portion and while I thought the laddered approach would be beneficial, it has not performed well over the past years. After reading about Real Bond ETF's, I am wondering if I should replace my CBH with a real bond ETF (either XRB or ZRR) for the next few years. What do you think of that strategy? FYI, I also hold XBB in my RSP.
Q: I don't have any inflation protected bonds. Do they have a place in a portfolio do you think? I see ZRR got creamed in the last year, do you feel it is time to nibble at them?
Thank you
Thank you
Q: Bought that for inflation protection, but it going down ...do I have to wait more ?
Q: Which makes more sense in this environment a US or canadian real return bond fund as an inflation hedge for a RRIF
Q: Hello Peter and Team,
Looking to for an inflation hedge for my Son's mother in law. She just sold her house and has all her money in cash. She isn't very comfortable with investing so gold won't work. We are slowly putting her TSFA contribution in VBAL as we need some growth for the future (approx. 25% of the cash), but that is all she is comfortable with investing. What are your thoughts on ZRR? Is there any other product you would recommend as an inflation hedge?
Looking to for an inflation hedge for my Son's mother in law. She just sold her house and has all her money in cash. She isn't very comfortable with investing so gold won't work. We are slowly putting her TSFA contribution in VBAL as we need some growth for the future (approx. 25% of the cash), but that is all she is comfortable with investing. What are your thoughts on ZRR? Is there any other product you would recommend as an inflation hedge?
BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR)
iShares Core Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF (XCB)
iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB)
iShares TIPS Bond ETF (TIP)
iShares iBoxx USD Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF (LQD)
Vanguard Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF (VCB)
Q: Are there tsx listed etfs equiviant to TIP & LQD ? Thanks.
BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR)
iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB)
iShares TIPS Bond ETF (TIP)
iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF (STIP)
Q: Please recommend Canadian and US ETFs that invest in inflation linked bonds.
Thanks as usual.
Thanks as usual.
Q: From an investment perspective, is the primary reason to invest in a real return bond to receive the inflation-adjusted value of the principal at maturity to maintain purchasing power, and not so much to receive the "real" interest rate payout on invested capital along the way?
If this is so, is it better to hold individual bonds with fixed maturities of shorter duration rather than an ETF like ZRR where the value fluctuates with the perceived interest rate environment, and purchasing power isn't preserved because it never actually matures?
If this is so, is it better to hold individual bonds with fixed maturities of shorter duration rather than an ETF like ZRR where the value fluctuates with the perceived interest rate environment, and purchasing power isn't preserved because it never actually matures?
BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR)
iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB)
iShares TIPS Bond ETF (TIP)
Q: Are there Canadian equivalent to TIP and STIP. I dont want to add to my risk by not being hedged. Im looking for a way to protect against inflation at some point. Is there another way besides inflation protected bonds?
Thanks as always for your insight
Thanks as always for your insight
BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR)
iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB)
iShares Core Canadian Short Term Bond Index ETF (XSB)
iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF (STIP)
Q: Hi team
looking for an etf for real return bonds (short term) vs XSB which is also short term
what is the main difference in terms of safety and returns between the 2 ? it is meant to be in a RRSP
looking for an etf for real return bonds (short term) vs XSB which is also short term
what is the main difference in terms of safety and returns between the 2 ? it is meant to be in a RRSP
Q: Hi 5i,
If one was concerned about inflation, it has been suggested that real return bonds could be something to consider investing in.
What is your opinion of these as an inflation protection? Do you currently have a view on where inflation is headed?
I have listed a couple of ETF's I might consider. Can I get your view and the pros and cons of each please?
Thanks in advance for your help.
If one was concerned about inflation, it has been suggested that real return bonds could be something to consider investing in.
What is your opinion of these as an inflation protection? Do you currently have a view on where inflation is headed?
I have listed a couple of ETF's I might consider. Can I get your view and the pros and cons of each please?
Thanks in advance for your help.