Q: I have part of my portolio in a self-managed account and another part in wealthsimple's roboadvisor. My fee only Financial planner said that he does not like the bonds in the roboadvisor which has an equal amount of ZFL (long bond) and WSGB (average duration of 5 years). It is not possible to change the percentage of ZFL to WSGB in a roboadvisor. Although I have really appreciated the service from the roboadvisor (I can have phone calls with a wealthsimple advisor) and love their platform, I am considering moving out of the roboadvisor because it is impossible to change the distribution of long to short bonds. In my self-directed account I hold ZAG - an aggregate bond. My question is: how does an equal distribution of ZFL and WSGB compare to an aggregate bond such as ZAG? Am I exposing myself to much longer duration in the roboadvisor compared to the self-directed account?
Q: I have these in a robo managed portfolio and am down 25% on ZFL and 5.4% on ZAG and 8.2% on XSH.
Since it appears interest rates appear to be stabilizing should one hold on for a recovery or try a different strategy or different holdings. Perhaps maybe moving to GIC or HISA EFT or other holdings you may suggest. Or do you think the same recovery may be seen by continuing to hold?
This loss seems to be an issue with those that have to go managed funds and mutuals with a balanced EFT portfolio.
I am going to transfer from so called managed to my own managed EFT's to avoid the fees. Think I can do just as well (or poorly depending on how you look at it) but wondering if I should switch holdings when moving funds to self directed EFT's.
I do have a separate portfolio with individual stocks, so this is basically a portfolio to minimize management and time requirements.
Q: Do you think it is a good time to add bonds? It seems the most likely scenario's (slow growth with moderating inflation like now, or full blown recession) will be more favourable to bond investors than equity holders. What is the asset mix you would employ and do you favour longer bonds today? Thanks.
Q: I purchased ZFL as a hedge against the possbility of a recession. I am now down 8% on this position, interest rates keep going up and there is no recession. Assuming a balanced diversified portfolio, what would you do with ZFL; HOLD, SELL or Add ??
Many Thanks
Q: Trying to build a long term bonds piece to my portfolio. Currently own small positions with ZFL and XLB. What addition add to or new buys should I make to continue adding to bonds?
After the FED's announcement what if bonds go up a lot? What if they go down a lot? Does that make a difference? Would you be a contrarian at this point? Please explain your position. Take as many credits as you see fit.
Thank you
Q: Hi, could I please have your opinion on the long end of the yield curve. The consensus seems to be that economic growth is starting to slow, inflation is increasing but may moderate in the second half but remain sticky and that the Fed may make a policy mistake by over tightening. To date the yield curve has steepened, short and long yields have increased, shorts more than longs. How might you see this playing out going forward. Do you think the long end of the curve presents an opportunity at this point? I am considering long perpetual preferreds which have also corrected but offer more generous tax favoured income (around 5%) than long bonds? Many thanks.
Q: Long term bond prices rose during previous tapering periods (following 2014 QE for example). Given this, and the relative certainty tapering is coming soon, would now be a good time to add to one's long and short term bond holdings? If I'm incorrect, please explain why? Thank you, great service.
Q: There has been a lot of talk lately, especially in the US of going to negative rates. If this was ever to happen, how would this ETF do in that kind of climate. I have a hard time understanding the idea of negative rates and what would be the end result.
Q: 5i:if you look at previous question I really only wanted your opinion on zlfbmo long federal bond etf as a good fit or what other options do you feel more suitable.as part of a fixed income allocation. ?
Q: Hi Peter,
These long bond etf (ZLC, XLB, ZFL) have done very well with YTD total return of 10.48, 10.35 and 8.91 respectively
Why have they done so well?
Is it too late to consider them for RRIF income investment going forward? If so, which one do you recommend, thanks