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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I wanted a quick opinion on the nature of these two ETF's, does ZPR hedge ZRE with interest rates? What I mean is that if interest rates rise ZPR should rise and ZRE should decline and vice versa? Looking long term the interest rate effect will balance out with growth of the companies within ZRE and ZPR should be higher with higher payouts as the preferreds reset?
Read Answer Asked by Nino on November 18, 2016
Q: Dividend 15 Split Corp. Preferred Shares DFN.PR.A has been rock steady for the last ten years or so (except for a plunge in '08-'09), paying 5%, while CPD and ZPR took a plunge starting in 2015. Why the steady performance of DFN.PR.A? How much would you recommend buying it? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on October 26, 2016
Q: Your thoughts on a portfolio in a non registered account consisting simply of these 3 etf's (ZRE,ZPR,ZDV) to hold forever. Dividends received put into VIG.US, I'm 45 years old, I have no mortgage and no debts looking to borrow and bring my accounts to 100k for each of these 3 etf's totalling 300k, in retirement will use only dividends. (This would act as my deferred annuity but I get to keep my money) is my thinking clear?
Read Answer Asked by Nino on September 27, 2016
Q: I am looking for general advice on the fixed income side of a portfolio. Where should I go to find fixed income that has a decent return? Or should I not worry about that, and concentrate on dividends from stable companies.

I have about 10% cash, and 10% altogether in ZPR, CVD, CSU.DB (all three obviously not fixed income). BTW, retirement in ten years or so.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on August 02, 2016
Q: I am considering purchasing a preferred ETF. Perhaps, one of CPD, ZPR, PPS or HPR. I notice that HPR has the lowest yield and highest MER but over the past 5 years it has done appreciable better; i.e., lost quite a bit less, than the other three. Is this attributable to its 'active' management or is there something different about its diversity of preferred shares?
Read Answer Asked by richard on August 02, 2016
Q: I own ZWB. When interest rates rise, I suspect that individual high quality rate reset preferreds will have a greater increase in price than ZWB. What do you think? If you agree, please provide the name of a few rate resets with the 5 year renewing base rate. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on April 27, 2016