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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In the description of the ETF, it mentions the following: "The Fund will invest primarily in debt instruments of Canadian corporations that are not investment grade." -- I have difficulty reconciling the "not investment grade" with your previous comment "solid, fairly conservative ETF, especially considering we are entering a tarif war. What am I missing?

Read Answer Asked by André on March 27, 2025
Q: In February, I was adding to my fixed income and believing that interest rates would not go any lower, purchased ZFH. It, like so many other holdings, has been hammered. It now looks to me that rates probably are not going up, for an extended time. If that is correct, is there any chance that ZFH will recover when the market calms down and equity prices begin to improve? Thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on March 12, 2020
Q: When I compare MFT (that I own) and FRL.UN with ZFH and PGI.UN I don't understand why the former don't perform as well as the latter. What can explain that and what would be the best bond ETF (low volatility and reasonable yield) to own within a registered and non registered account. Also, do you know a bond ETF giving mostly capital gain for a non registered account to reduce the income in interest.
Read Answer Asked by Michel on December 16, 2019
Q: Could you explain exactly what these two ETFs invest in? On their respective websites it appears as if ZFH is largely in government bonds or treasuries of some type (the scary term CDS shows up here), while MFT refers to "bank loans". Both indicate low to moderate risk, while at the same time showing virtually all investments rated at BB or less - below investment grade.
How do these ETFs compare to ZHY or XHY in terms of safety of principle and dividend sustainability?
Read Answer Asked by grant on May 03, 2018