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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm interested in buying into the utility sector through an ETF. ZUT holds Canadian stocks and has a yield of 4.98%. 99% of the distribution are eligible dividends.

ZWU holds a mix of Canadian and US stocks with about 45% each of eligible dividends and ROC along with 10% foreign income. The yield is 6.64%.

If we factor in the DTC, there's not a lot of yield difference. What are the reasons for your choice of ETFs? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Tim on January 06, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

I find that we need to buy some more in the Utilities sector, to keep to a 10% weighting. We presently have about a three-quarter position in each of AQN, BEP.UN, and FTS. Do you think that INE would be a good addition to this mix or is it too similar to AQN and BEP.UN? We can buy and sell XUT commission-free, but I notice that ZUT (not commission-free) has a better chart. Should I increase our positions in each of the three we already have, buy a new one, or top up with XUT/ZUT? Or is there a US ETF in this sector that looks compelling? Or perhaps in the present "climate", could the utilities sector weighting be reduced below 10%? What sector should take up the slack?

Thanks for all your great advice which has been and continues to be very valuable. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you at 5i and the members as well.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on December 21, 2016
Q: Good day,
I have seen some fairly substantial losses with some of the listed stocks in my portfolio. I would like your advice on whether you think I should continue to hold the above or to sell , take my losses and move on. BEP.un and ZUT have just been flat, so your advice on wether to sell or hold would be great!
Thank you
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Audrey on December 02, 2016
Q: Hello Peter, I am looking for income, safety and some growth, I will appreciate your suggestion, ranking, perhaps a better choice of yours. Many thanks, J. A. P. Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on November 23, 2016
Q: I read with interest your recent article in the Post and was intrigued by the comment that research shows 90% of portfolio returns come from sector allocation - if a person wanted to take advantage of that, in a simple, easy to manage and inexpensive way (ignoring taxes for the moment) what would be your view be on an approach where one's equity component of their portfolio consisted entirely of a number of ETF's with each one of the ETF's focused on a particular sector, with a periodic (say quarterly) rebalancing? What specific ETF's would you suggest for such a portfolio? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by RICHARD on May 20, 2016