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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Thanks for your answer on ZUB - one basis point for hedging is neither here nor there. However, you refer to the "true" cost of hedging i.e. the efficiency of the mechanism, and I wonder if there is a gradual slippage over time such as you get with the (leveraged?) inverse ETF's where you never get back to your start point. In those cases I believe the slippage is significant over time - enough in theory to make it worth shorting the inverse product. Point is I expect to hold ZUB for some time - years potentially - and would like to hedge but think I have to avoid the cost of extended incremental slippage.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 19, 2016
Q: I assume hedging is a two way street - you get protection back to Can$ if the US $ falls but lose the gain associated with a US$ rise, and there is a cost to provide this?? So if the US$ looks strong going forward relative to the Looney is this the best strategy and are there other US banking sector ETF choices. What do you think?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 16, 2016
Q: I am currently up 30 to 60% on these companies, all are held in an RSP or RIF account. Would you add, take profits, or sell full position in any of these funds. I have about $20,000 to invest currently in my RRSP and am wondering if it is to late to start a new US position. I am considering facebook or google? Thanks for your input!
Read Answer Asked by diane joan on December 12, 2016
Q: Given today's market and the expectation of a US rate hike, could you identify 5 ETF's that you would be comfortable with to provide safety of principal and income. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on June 03, 2016