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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would you suggest some ETFs that capture U.S. & Cdn stocks - top ones that hold top DOW, NASDQ & S&P? My son is 33 YO - has RRSP, TFSA and Non- Reg acct, I believe he owns some NVIDIA stock. I realize not a lot of info. My investment strategy is quite different as I am not - as a priority, focused on growth; but, dividend growers which has served me well over the last 15 years.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by James on June 28, 2023
Q: Can you suggest a few stocks and /or etfs either us or CDN?

Thank you, michael.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 22, 2023
Q: cdn110k suggestions please. ETFs or singleStocks please, us orcdn
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 21, 2023
Q: Late starting a RESP. First annual withdrawal will be August, 2028. Deposits to the RESP will come from an initial funding and annual contributions thereafter. Please suggest appropriate investments in the scenario. Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Richard on June 20, 2023
Q: In a recent answer you said "We feel that the slightly overcrowded flight to safety in large-cap tech names can open up opportunities for smaller and mid-sized names".

Is there a canadian ETF that reflects an investment in small and mid cap tech in Canada that is worth investing in right now ? And if not is there an American one ? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Roger on May 30, 2023
Q: Hi,

I am intrigued by your answer to Derek's question May 3 about TTNM and others.

You said with "...with small caps a basket of three or four companies often is a better approach."

I own IWO (have for years) and note its performance against a US dividend grower like VIG, for almost any period for the last 5 years, has not been as good. That comparison combined with your notion of 3 or 4 small caps, would you be able to suggest your best small cap picks that I could use to replace IWO (recognizing the change in risk/profile of individual stocks vs. a hugely diversified ETF).

Thanks very much. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 03, 2023
Q: Over the next few months I’ll be duplicating the ETFMU Growth ETF portfolio inside my LIRA with retirement being 30 years away.

Out of the 13 ETFs in the portfolio , Which ones do you feel are a strong buy currently? Wanting to start purchasing the strong buys, highest convictions ETFs first.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Shawn on April 11, 2023
Q: Hi 5
2 questions (please use required credits)
1) For the stock list above would you please suggest a HOLD SELL BUY.

2) I would like to consolidate all of the above stocks into: NVDA GOOGLE and
MSFT for a 2 years hold, I understand the stocks are good ones , but I'm only looking at a faster recovery. Would you be om with it.


Read Answer Asked by Fernando on March 22, 2023
Q: Wondering if you still feel like the small-capitalization U.S. stocks are showing value going forward? Even with the YTD 9.59 return?
Wondering if you know of a ETF similar to XSU.CA that's tilted towards GROWTH, can be unhedged.

Read Answer Asked by Shawn on March 09, 2023
Q: Hi Everyone at 5i!!
I own Maw global small cap and have rode it up and down. I am given to understand that it is a good fund but the MER is high. Is there an ETF of a similar nature that I could reinvest my money in??

Read Answer Asked by Tamara on January 24, 2023
Q: Hi, can you suggest a few ETF'S and covered call ETF'S to put in a self directed RRIF, providing income and some growth. I know you're not keen on giving specific portfolio construction, IE, everyones circumstances are different, I would really appreciate just a few ideas for core holdings.
Thank's James
Read Answer Asked by James on January 09, 2023
Q: Hello:

Child turning 18 later this month. For initial $6500 to TFSA would VEQT be better than US only VFV? Very long time horizon and I never bet against USA!

Other options for long term growth?

Read Answer Asked by Marilou on January 06, 2023
Q: Happy Holidays!! Two part question - What are your thoughts on index funds, I don’t think I see any in your portfolios.

I read some commentary sometimes how some “professional investors” say they are better than stocks, for as the stock market goes up the index funds will too, but stocks don’t always rise when the market does. I do see the counter argument there too.

And assuming you’re not opposed to them, you which ones would you recommend?

Please take 2-3 credits, as that was a long question.


Read Answer Asked by Cam on January 06, 2023
Q: TFSA top up for 2023. I hold all IWO in the account currently. My crystal ball doesn't like the current USD:CAD outlook so buying USD with CAD to get IWO at the moment doesn't feel like a good move. Does anything in the balance or growth portfolio look particularly attractive as a buy? I hold OTEX and ENGH as tech stocks, both have been adequately beaten up to be buys but I hate owning the same stock in multiple accounts so would consider a different CAD stock for the TFSA account if you can think of one. So long way to ask: just suck it up and buy, IWO, buy ENGH, buy OTEX or buy ??? as it is your top pick right now. 5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 05, 2023