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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know 5i often recommends IWO for US small cap exposure, but what are your thoughts on IJH (Ishares S&P Midcap 400)? This etf caught my attention just before putting in an IWO buy order. By comparison over 1, 3, 5, & 10 year periods this midcap ETF has consistently outperformed, has higher volume, a higher dividend, and appears less volatile. Am I missing something, or could it possibly be a better option than combining 2 small & large cap ETFs for US exposure. Thx again as always.
Read Answer Asked by Ron on December 09, 2016
Q: My portfolio closely matches you balanced equity portfolio. As it looks like the US will outperform Canada over the next year I am thinking of picking up some US ETF's for about 20% of my portfolio. What do you think of this strategy and if you agree, what ETF's would you suggest?

Read Answer Asked by Raymond on December 02, 2016
Q: Hi great team!
Know you do not cover US stocks specifically but you may be able to assist me.
I have a 4 yr. old grandson leaving in the US. His Mom would like to have me help her start a long term saving investment plan along the lines of the "Lazy Investor", with mthly contributions ( not too large) in preparation for his future education.
Would you have any suggestions as to the stocks she should invest in,those having a DRIP and OCP and with good history of dividends. This would be done in the US so no complications re Canada.
Many thanks for this and all the great work you do for us!

Read Answer Asked by Harold on November 28, 2016
Q: Good morning,

Looking to clarify with regards to the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation etf's for an rrsp- if one wishes to have a currency effect( vis a vis US: Cdn dollar)they should purchase "VIG, or if looking to hedge and only feel the effects of the equity movements then purchase "VGG"? Also is there an equivalent for the IWO? Looking to add both to my portfolio and looking to see if they are a good complement.

With thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Brad on November 04, 2016
Q: Hello Peter, I have some US cash to invest in an RRSP. Can you please suggest four US 'growthy but somewhat conservative' stocks for a long-term (10+ years) hold. There is no need for current income. Also, I know you've suggested IWO as a US growth ETF. Would you be inclined to favour that for an investment now, or do you think that, with current near-highs and the upcoming election, it makes sense to wait until closer to year-end. Thank you for the terrific service!
Read Answer Asked by James on October 07, 2016
Q: Hello.
Thanks for the ongoing investing commentary.
Given the results I have experienced with a few individual investments over the past 8 months, it is clear I either do not have time to keep up with small cap growth stocks' activity, do not know how to make buy sell decisions, do not have the stomach for the ride or just completely outside my sphere of investor ability. In reviewing my experience with buy sell of Phm, I was up 8000 and ended up selling at loss of 6000. Ad recently up 7000 and end d up selling for 3000 loss. Painfully sitting on a 35,000 loss in Cxr.....largest loss ever in 16 years of direct investing. Can not make money this way. Clearly I should be handing over small company decision making to someone else.

The question.......what Canadian and USA mutual fund or strategy would you have me consider to help capture some of the growth available through small company / special opportunities investing ........ Without being directly involved with the buy sell decision?

I am okay with long term but long term with current results will land me in the poor house.

Appreciate your thoughts on this topic.

I already own Mawer global small and global mutual funds but they are not invested like 5i portfolio
Read Answer Asked by Dave on September 26, 2016
Q: I invested in a 'Global Small Cap' fund about 18 years ago. Incredibly, my return AFTER 18 YEARS is NEGATIVE 16%! (I guess this is lesson in the effects of both high mutual fund MERs and picking a lousy fund company!) Can you please suggest an ETF that would be good for the 'global small cap' space. Or another 'small cap' ETF or strategy, if you don't think a global small cap ETF is the way to go. Thank you!!
Read Answer Asked by James on September 21, 2016
Q: Hello 5i: Can you provide me with two Canadian ETFs equivalent to VIG and IWO.
I believe the foreign exchange rate + 15% withholding tax (clipped at source) + CAD dollar uptrend (It could happen), are sufficient reasons not to go US-bound
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on September 15, 2016
Q: Hi 5i,
I have 200K invested on these ETFs as follows:
XEC: 10% VUN: 25% XQB: 35% XEF: 10% XIC: 20%

My time horizon is 5 years, How can I change my current setup to make it more rewarding, These are outside RRSP.

Read Answer Asked by Fernando on September 01, 2016
Q: Hi, I am considering replacing my IWo by IJR or SLY ( S&p 600 small cap growth). I was reading David Swensens book "unconventional success". Brilliant book. He talks about how Russell 2000 is not a well structured index as compared to S&P 600. Which has a better structure and therefore results in better performance. What are your thoughts on this. Also what portion of a portfolio would you suggest for small cap growth based ETF like this. This is for an otherwise diverse and aggressive portfolio. Your advice is most valuable. Cheers, Shyam
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on July 20, 2016
Q: Currently 25% of my portfolio, is in individual US Stocks.I have recently sold some positions and I am wondering the best strategy on re-allocating the money.

Should I look at US stocks as part of my total portfolio and add in sectors and areas that I need more exposure too? (in stocks)

Or should I be looking at trying to get total portfolio diversification in US funds?

I was thinking IWO would add diversification with growth over time. At the same time I think Google may do better than IWO; however it isn't as diversified.

Also have 18% of my portfolio in tech, so should I pass on Google? I believe Google is becoming a stock that you can buy and hold for a long time and do well.

As always thanks for the advice. Cheers.

Read Answer Asked by Colin on July 20, 2016
Q: Given yesterday’s UK referendum result, I expect there will be widespread panic and big declines on markets worldwide on Friday. I’m guessing your immediate advice will likely be “don’t panic, do nothing, wait and see how events unfold, etc”. In my specific case however, while I was expecting the “remain” side to win, I was also fearful and preparing for the worst just the same to the point that I am now 50% in cash. That is a lot of dry powder and I plan to start buying first thing Friday morning and into the coming days. What advice would you give someone who has been “doing nothing” for a while and is now looking to put sidelined cash to good use. Where do you think the best opportunities will be (both Foreign and domestic) to pick up specific names (or ETFs) that will get beaten up in the coming days worse than they likely deserve. Please provide a few names or ETFs for someone looking to be opportunistic on this occasion.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on June 24, 2016
Q: Hi,
Im a young, passive investor. Im looking for long term strong TFSA growth to eventually convert into TFSA retirement income. I am new to investing and don't really have a grasp on all the concepts yet.
Can you offer an opinion/advice/education on the pros and cons of investing in ETFs that are Canadian dollar hedged vs. non. Which you you recommend for long term consistent and strong growth.? The two listed are what Im thinking for gaining some US exposure, unless you are able to recommend something better?

Read Answer Asked by david on May 13, 2016