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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

Ignoring tax consequences, how would you rank CMMC, CS, FCX, and NTR to boost our Basic Materials exposure? The only exposure we have is XMA, which is heavier into gold, but going forward, we're interested in copper and fertilizers.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 17, 2021
Q: I own a small position in TKO as part of a basket of copper stocks. It appears to be underperforming the others. My question is whether you see potential for it so as to maintain or add to the position or whether you would sell and transfer the proceeds to stocks I also own such as CS and ERO? Thank you for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 22, 2021
Q: Hi again 5i,
Could I have your thoughts on the prospects for copper generally and CS particularly over the next 6 months or so? I understand China might have a lot to do with where copper goes but I don't feel very confident about analyzing the economics and/or geopolitics that affect copper miners and producers. Not long ago CS was looking very strong but very quickly it seems to have lost its lustre - is this just par for the course for commodities or are the swings accelerating as the pace of events and news travels ever faster?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 21, 2021
Q: How would you characterize and rank the respective valuations and growth potentials for these 4 companies? Other suggestions for growth and diversification in an otherwise pipeline, bank, insurance company and telecomm-heavy retirement portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by David on July 06, 2021
Q: I would appreciate your thoughts on holdings in the portfolio. All have been winners - I am fairly prudent yet always looking for trends and will hold long term. I don't rely on dividends though they are preferable. Would you make changes for another holding(s)?

Petroleum: TOU, FRU, ENB
Finance: GWO, NVEI
Steel: STLC, LIF (Watching cyclical trends)
Auto: MG
Mining: CXB, KL, (TRQ - I expect an upturn in 2 quarters)
Software: CTS, LSPD, TOI
Healthcare: WELL

Thank you for your support.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on June 15, 2021
Q: i seem to have an overload of miners. can you suggest what i should trim or do i hold everyone for the economic expansion yet to come and hope cooper will remain as valuable as experts seem to say for the pending electrification of the vehicle and infrastructure ...thx much
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 17, 2021
Q: All these CAD stocks have been severely hurt today, do you know the reasons why? True that some have had worst than expected earnings releases but it looks like there has been a wholesale seller out there
Read Answer Asked by simon on May 14, 2021
Q: Capstone has had a wonderful quarter or two. I've never owned a mining stock before, and frankly, I have no idea what to expect as a top out price. I could sell now and do well, but I would hate to do so and be watching the stock continue to climb. Not to be greedy, just looking for a little stock parameter guidance, please.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on April 26, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
'Pop' quiz - I've got a bit of cash burning a hole in my TFSA pocket. Which one (if any) of the above for a quick pop?
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 29, 2020
Q: Hi,

I'd like to take some positions in copper producers. I have read some of your recent comments on mid cap producers and will be taking positions in 3 of them. I'd also like to get your thoughts on these smaller producers from an article I read recently.
Aura Minerals, Capstone Mining, Copper Mountain, Taseko, Marimaca Copper (note Marimaca symbol would not come up.)
Looking out at each companies FY20 and FY21 potential earnings, Capstone offers the highest earnings potential (from your Companies page data).
I also see that these collectively have had pretty good % moves in the last 3-5 years. I assume this is because of perhaps mines coming onstream/newly developed.
Which of these above companies are most investable? Or do you prefer other juniors to add to this list you? Please list in order of investing preference.
I think I'll get the most torque (albeit risk) by adding mid cap and juniors. My objective is to add 5 copper miners total...3 mid, 2 junior.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 14, 2020