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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I recently saw a news feature that highlighted the increases in children developing myopia due to the amount of time they are now spending in front of screens.
I am looking for your best ideas to play this theme in Canada, US or internationally.
Would this company be your best recommendation or do you have another?
I have been a subscribing for many years and the 5i team has been outstanding.
Thanks for all you do!!!
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on January 19, 2021
Q: Peter - happy new year to you and the 5i team! Thanks for your great service.

I have been interested in this stock for some time but have held off purchasing shares simply because it seems to be very thinly traded. Today, for example, even with National Bank raising its target to $45.50 per share, there is a bit of a bump in volume but still a $1 spread between bid and ask.

What's up with this stock and how should one purchase shares given its weird trading patterns? I usually use limit orders but a bit hard to find a suitable buy price with this one.
Read Answer Asked by David on January 04, 2021
Q: Good afternoon, I'm feeling grouchy about my TFSA today. Quite a few of my holdings are underwater. Tech is the only area that has shown me any growth. I am down 46% on XTC, down 80% on HWO, down 36% on GUD, down 6% on BCI, up 5% on DOL, and down 6% on SIS. I know I can't claim losses but is it time to dump some of these and redeploy. I don't need the cash and can be quite patient and I know my tech weightings are getting high but it seems as though that's where most of my winners are. How high would you let your tech weighting go in a TFSA that is a long term savings vehicle. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Rod on December 03, 2020
Q: I hold the following shares (among others) in my various (RSP & TFSA) accounts. I'm a buy-and-hold investor, strongly leaning to dividend payors or preferably dividend-increasers.
These companies have all recently cut or suspended dividends, either as Covid-19 responses or otherwise.
ET have not cut or suspended (yet), but neither ET nor CSW have paid recent special dividends as they sometimes have in the past.
I purchased these originally on the strength of the companies' long-term potential, management strength and abilities, and growth or at least sustainability.
How would you rank or position these now in light of recent dividend cuts or suspensions, given that they are all underwater, some significantly, or at best more or less flat (ET), after mostly holding periods of 5 years or longer?
Which ones is it time to dump?
Read Answer Asked by Lotar on June 05, 2020
Q: Hello. Currently overweight technology and underweight materials, energy, consumer cyclical and consumer non-cyclical. Looking for a couple of suggestions for each sector. Long term (15+ years) hold, medium to higher risk, Canadian or U.S. I currently have full positions in CCL.B, TSGI and ATD.B and partial positions in TOY and PBH. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Lee on May 08, 2019
Q: I am constructing a new equity portfolio consisting of 40% CND: Industrial @ 15% (WSP, TFII, PEO)
Tech @ 10% (CSU,KXS)
Healthcare @ 6% (COV, GUD, SIS)
Financial @ 4% (ECN, VB)
Consumer Defensive/Cyclical @ 5% (CCL.B, BYD.UN, BCI)
I have a 10 yr + time frame, growth focus and no/low dividend requirement.
Could you comment on this set-up - %ages and/or stock selection or deletions? Thank you for your service
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on December 10, 2018