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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would like to add a few small cap "seed" positions that have the potential of growing a at a rate of 25% plus per year, i.e. essentially a triple+ in 5 yr. I already own PHO and ITC and am interested in GSY, PEO, BUS and PTE. Could you rank these equities (staring from highest growth rate) and include any other small cap candidates that I have not considered that fit the criteria.
And thanks for all the savvy advice provide by your service. James.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 08, 2017
Q: I thank you for your thoughts on CZO & NLN. However I am still interested in small cap companies and I am more than prepared to take some risks for some potential of mid term gain. What would be your 5 top small cap companies that you would recommend for me to put on my watch list???
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 01, 2017
Q: I note that buyouts are increasing among the small cap stocks. Today alone Lumenpulse and Canam are going private at nice premiums. IRD also gone this month. I am not sure if this is the start of a trend. Are there any companies you would consider as buy-out targets in the next 9 months? I have my eye on Ten Peaks.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on April 28, 2017
Q: It is time to invest new TFSA money. I wonder if you could rank these six small cap companies for potential growth?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on January 09, 2017
Q: Peter, these are stocks that I believe you have recently suggested for growth. Some have had decent pullbacks in price. Can you please rank these, based on today's prices, for purposes of long-term capital and income gains in a TFSA. And, if you have an alternative current favourite to add, please add it to the rankings. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by James on December 05, 2016
Q: At the recommendations of 5i I purchased these stocks in April/16 for my TFSA account. I have additional funds of $11000 to add. Would you recommend adding to these positions or purchase other stocks? My return has been in excess of 30% and therefore value 5i opinions. Thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by David on November 29, 2016
Q: For some of the larger cap more established companies listed on the venture, what are the requirements to be upgraded to the TSX? Do you see the example companies as being likely candidates in the coming 12 months?
Read Answer Asked by Renata on November 24, 2016
Q: I am in my early 30's and wanting to start a TFSA growth portfolio (modeling 5i growth portfolio). I am looking to invest 10,000 today, and 10,000 subsequent years. What names would you suggest to start with today?
Read Answer Asked by Loren on September 26, 2016
Q: Hi 5i team,

I am diversified in my portfolio but I need one more stock to round out my TFSA. From the companies listed can you please rank in order based on your highest conviction in the company to be able to execute shareholder value over the next 5 years.

Thanks as always,

Read Answer Asked by Jonathan on September 26, 2016
Q: For the most part we (subscribers) seem to ask you questions on the same stocks in some sort of rotation that I have not quite figured out. So it must be time again to ask, what stocks are we not asking about (very frequently perhaps)that we should be considering for our portfolios?

As always, I appreciate your insights - my best performing stocks are generally ideas I've picked up here!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on September 23, 2016
Q: Hi 5i team,

From the growth stocks listed above what would be your top 5 for expected stock performance over the next 3 - 5 years.

Feel free to take as many question credits as you feel necessary.

Much appreciated,

Read Answer Asked by Jonathan on September 06, 2016