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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have accumulated far to many Insurance stocks over the years and need to trim a couple. Which of the above companies do you think offer the best capital appreciation over the long term?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on October 08, 2020
Q: What's your opinion on this one? What does the future hold? Got a double and wondering if I should take some profits but still is not an over-weight position. The WE publicity that our finance minister is certainly not helping the the stock. Your pragmatic opinions are so appreciated. Thanks Ron
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on August 17, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,

Are you aware if People Corp has plans to move from the Venture to the TSX? Their last quarter was excellent and i thought it may have gotten more interest after that but it hasn't done much. It always seems to be a weird trader but their growth looks to be accelerating. Perhaps a move to the TSX would be what they need to get more interest - maybe once they get to the $1B market cap?

Read Answer Asked by Joe on June 01, 2020
Q: Morning:
I own equal weightings of these equities in my TFSA. I have some cash to invest, which one of these would you buy more of at their current market valuations? Looking for capital appreciation over the next 8 to 10 years. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 23, 2020
Q: What do you think of today’s press release regarding further share dilation? Do you think they might have a big acquisition up their sleeve? They had 23 M in cash at Jan 20 and now they are doubling their cash balance. It’s frustrating to see stock issued at such a low price considering a little over a month ago the stock was $10.
The company appears to be consistent with their dilution. Is this someone that we should consider with regards to selling?
Any thoughts or how you view this as someone who has been in the business a while would be great. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on April 07, 2020
Q: Hi Guys, looking to buy some partial positions on the following stocks, I own banks and telecoms plus SHOP and LSPD and a few others, would like your opinion with this 10 pack and do you see any issues with any these companies going forward.
Thanks for your great service
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on April 03, 2020
Q: My understanding is that People is a third party administrator.
Does this mean they would be unusually busy with the EI claims and dealing with Cocid -19 etc is actually a good revenue stream that would help their business?

It has been hit hard like all other stocks. But did well in the past economic crisis in 08/09. Is there any other issues that would impact their business ? It looks like it could be a good time to get in now ?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 24, 2020
Q: You continue to comment favorably about this company but they never make money. Latest quarter was a loss of $2.7m - up from $1.5m a year ago. Why do you never mention this? If you take out Goodwill and Intangible assets the equity is a negative $144m. I know you will say a lot of this is because of acquistions but if they can not make those turn a profit why do you give them such good ratings an commentary?
Read Answer Asked by gary on January 30, 2020
Q: I am thinking of replacing TOY with either PEO or GDI. What is your opinion on this idea? Do you prefer one over the other?
Thanks. Peter.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 10, 2020
Q: Hello Peter, I have smallish positions in People and ECN in my TFSA. With this year's TFSA contribution, I'm considering topping up one or both of these positions for long-term holds. Which of these two would you favour? Or, if you favour both equally, would you concur with buying both, or do you think this precious TFSA money should go into some of the other TFSA-type stocks you've suggested recently. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by James on January 07, 2020