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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5I team,
Thanks for the great service.

In my TFSA, I hold the following:
AW.UN (15.2%); BPY.UN (4.4%); BYD.UN (15%); DSG (5.3%), EMA (5/5%); ENB (10.3%); GC (4.2%); GUD (0.7%); JWEL (1.9%); KXS (7.5%); PEW.VN (1.6%); SAP (4.5%); SHOP (17.1%); SLF (4.1%); TSGI (2.6%).

I have about 12k to add to the above and I would like your thoughts on which 2 stock I should select from the above and/or any of 2 alternate selections you might suggest, I am interested in positions that would include some dividend growth, some capital appreciation, lower volatility and improved diversification. I note that my weighting in financial and healthcare are least represented currently.

Your suggestions and details for your selections are very much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on May 14, 2019
Q: I have been looking at GDI for some time. The metrics seem to be a combination of good and bad so I guess it comes down to the issue of management competency?? Like a lot of your subscribers I am a long term investor and put relatively more weight on growth as opposed to dividends. What is your latest take on GDI for a 2-3 year hold?
Thanks, Doug
Read Answer Asked by Doug on November 10, 2017
Q: Howdy! The Kiki Delaney chapter in "Market Masters" has inspired me to invest more in Quebec-based equities. I already have BCE, CAE, CNR & GUD. Please rank the top 3 in this list (or other Quebec-based equities that I didn't list) to add right now purely on long-term (3-5 yrs) appreciation (value + dividends).
Thank you,
David L
Read Answer Asked by David on October 17, 2017