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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently own full positions in both these stocks in an unregistered account. In January I will be able to move about $35K of one or the other into my TFSA. I see both as having very good chances of a substantial gain in the next year or two. Which would you move, in considering the impact of a large capital gain for the one I keep in the unregistered account? I do not see either as a long-term keeper at this point, so I foresee the sale of both in 1 to 3 years, moving into something perhaps more conservative .
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 18, 2017
Q: Hello Peter,
I hold a balanced total portfolio across my TFSA, RRSP and non-registered accounts. I keep my highest dividend payers in my non-registered and currently have them on DRIPs. Are there any of theese that you don't think should be on DRIP because they are too risky?

Read Answer Asked by Pamela on December 07, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

In our combined portfolio, we hold the following Industrials: BAD, EIF, KBL, NFI, SIS, and STN. In this group, we're frustrated with EIF and are just breaking when considering its healthy dividend. I like your idea of "forever" stocks and note that CNR is your pick in this sector. My questions are: Given that all of the above (with the exception of EIF) are performing well, would you be OK with replacing EIF with CNR, or perhaps you have a better suggestion? Are there too many Industrials in our portfolio and is it time to exit one or more of the group?

As always, your advice is greatly appreciated and valued.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on October 13, 2017
Q: AD seems to be on a continual downhill slide. I am contemplating selling it in my RRSP and replacing it with 50:50 EIF and KWH.UN for income and more optimistic growth potential. Your opinion is appreciated. Joe
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on September 01, 2017