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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please tell me how much BAM owns of BIP and
BEP? I hold BAM in my unregistered accounts with the smaller dividend and BEP and BIP in my registered accounts, with the larger dividends. Am I better to focus on BAM only with the huge diversification, or should I also keep invested in BEP and BIP - not sure what to do. Finally, if I hold BAM:US, do I still get the Canadian dividend tax credit or do I need to hold BAM.A:CAN?
Read Answer Asked by Grant on February 22, 2022
Q: 2 Questions related to Canadian stocks paying dividends in USD:
(1) I want more US cash and plan to have Questrade journal over the above CA stocks to the US equivalent in a TFSA. Is there any special considerations here when doing this? Best to do this on a day when the Canadian dollar is stronger?
(2) In a margin account, Questrade journaled over AQN:CA to AQN:US on February 3/22. I have held AQN:CA for more than 1 year and sold all of AQN:US today at a small loss. Will CRA see the later loss as a superficial loss, because the US listed stock was held for less than 30 days? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Grant on February 18, 2022
Q: I would like more USD for travelling to the US. I hold all of the above stocks at Questrade, in both registered and unregistered accts. I asked Questrade to please pay the dividend directly in USD (as paid by the companies), but they said "We would have to journal your positions over to the USD equivalent in order to receive the dividends in USD." Should I journal over the CAN shares to the US equivalent; eg AQN.TO to AQN.US? It would involve a very large amount of money, could I expect a better USD exchange rate with greater volume or would they simply use the day's spot rate?
Read Answer Asked by Grant on February 10, 2022
Q: in my non taxable accounts I have:
U.S. Side
NUE 8%
QCOM 23%
ROK 18%
CRM 8%
VCR 27%
Canadian Side:
CSU.db 33%
BIP.un 22%
BEP.un 8%
KL 28%
My question is, for this account what or how would you change the securities held to be better positioned going forward? Thank you for your assistance.

Read Answer Asked by Maureen on February 08, 2022
Q: Can I have your thoughts about these stocks and ETF’s for someone with a 3 to 5 year timeframe and who is in their mid 30’s?

Read Answer Asked by David Michael on February 07, 2022
Q: Hi,

What are your thoughts about my current portfolio? I am also looking at adding ZRE.TO and ZWC.TO.

Appreciate your help.
Read Answer Asked by David Michael on January 27, 2022
Q: What is the difference between BEP and BIP? Aren't they both in utilities sector? Why does BAM feel the need to have 2 subsidiaries which focus on the same sector? Would one's portfolio need exposure to both?

If one is to hold only one infrastructure/utilities company in one's portfolio, which company would you recommend? BEP vs BIP vs any other suggestion that you think might be worthwhile? If it helps the answer, my risk tolerance is high and time line is 3-5 years.

Thank you for your guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Anh on January 18, 2022
Q: A year ago both BIPC and BEPC traded at a 25-30% premium to BIP.UN and BEP.UN respectively.  Today BIPC still trades at a considerable premium to BIP.UN whereas the BEPC to BEP.UN premium is now less than 2%.  Why is that?
Also if you were to establish a Brookfield Renewable Partners position today in a registered account, would you go with BEPC anticipating that a premium may return?  Other than a nominally higher dividend, is there any other advantage of going with BEP.UN instead of BEPC in a registered account?
Read Answer Asked by Glenn on January 18, 2022
Q: I am looking to add to the utilities sector. I currently have FTS BIP.UN and AQN. Not really excited about AQN for the last year. I would like to add to my utility stock basket and looking for recs. Also might drop AQN. My horizon is 7-10 yrs.
Read Answer Asked by Sandy on January 14, 2022
Q: I'm replacing ZWU and ZWC since I would prefer to hold stocks at this point. What 5+ stocks would you recommend to replace ZWU and ZWC each. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 08, 2021
Q: I need to clean up and rebalance my RIFF approx value $150,000.00
What would be your top 20 picks for an income portfolio I am 82 yrs young
Read Answer Asked by Eric on December 06, 2021
Q: Peter et al,
This question is directed to Peter, because I need an answer from someone who has seen many takeovers. In the case of the acquisition of IPL by Brookfield, I opted to receive exchangeable trust units for as many IPL shares as possible. The trust units, as you well know are used to effect a tax deferral on the IPL shares.An allocation factor was used and " X " number of units were allocated. The remaining shares were given the cash value of $20.00 / share. This total was then divided by the VWAP of the BIPC shares for a five day period. The resulting price was higher than the $80.00 ( 4 x IPL price of $ 20.00. ) This resulted in fewer trust units received. If there was any fractional shares remaining , they were rounded down, and no payment received.My questions-- How common is it to use a VWAP instead of the offered price as the divisor, especially as the equivalent Bipc shares fell shortly after the 5 day period. This price must have been supported? How common is it to round the remaining share or shares? I have always got paid for fractional shares.It is fine and dandy to say that Brookfield are good allocators of capital, and good managers, but they certainly are not shareholder friendly. Comments please?

Thanks as always,
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 01, 2021
Q: My broker bought for me positions in three different versions of Brookfield Infrastructure. Is one better than the other to own in an unregistered account?
Read Answer Asked by Lori on November 29, 2021
Q: Good day. This is a follow up question to a couple of previous questions related to my daughter's TFSA account with a 5+ year hold period, moderate risk with growth and dividend prospects, Based on your responses she holds the companies mentioned in her portfolio. Based on her weightings she has enough cash left to invest in one more equity. She is considering adding either T, TIXT or LNF. In your opinion which if any would be the best choice and do you have an alternate selection and perhaps a comment on the portfolio? Thanks for your learned guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 23, 2021
Q: Hi Team, We hold CNR and BIP.UN in our TFSA accounts and would like to free up space for other holdings from our non-registered account. We hold AMZN, BAM'A, CSU, GOOG, and QCOM in a non-registered account. If we switch out CNR and BIP.UN before Dec. 31 will we be able to transfer in some of the non-registered holdings in 2022? If so, in which order would you rank the non-registered holdings to take advantage of the TFSA account?
Would it be better to replace BIP.UN with BIPC in the non-registered account?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on November 16, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
I am overweight utilities and underweight consumer defensive. I am thinking of selling AQN and buying AW.UN. The two stocks pay a similar dividend which is important to me. Do you feel the growth opportunities are stronger with AW.UN than AQN over the next several years? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martha on November 15, 2021
Q: I am trying to steer my and my husband's TFSA's more toward growth. The stocks listed are some of the stocks in our TFSA's that I am considering swapping out in favour of growth-oriented stocks on my watchlist. Can I get your opinion? Do you think that any of the listed stocks have enough growth potential to belong in a growth-oriented TFSA?
Thank you, Doris
Read Answer Asked by Doris on November 15, 2021
Q: What are your top 5 picks (CAD) with sustainable dividend growth for a 10 year investment horizon and why? Prefer lower risk/volatility as I am close to retirement.
Read Answer Asked by W on November 11, 2021