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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This is a question further to what has already been recently answered. I also own BIP.UN and BEP.UN. As we know, post spin-off there will be the new BAM, and BN. Which one of these two would best compliment my existing BIP.UN and BEP.UN positions as an add-on ?

Is it best to buy the current BAM.A now and sell the one unit, or does it make more sense to wait after the spin-off......or is too hard to call ?
Read Answer Asked by James on November 23, 2022
Q: Is the below option better to invest in than buying actual stock? Can notes be sold anytime or are they lockin? How do notes work in this environment? Can you please give me a brief explanation of the notes?

Brookfield Infrastructure Partners (BIP) said Thursday it has agreed to sell 700 million Canadian dollars ($517.6 million) in medium-term notes.

Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Hector on November 11, 2022
Q: Can you please rank the above utilities for Value. I used EV/EBITA data from Yahoo Finance and got this: NPI (8), BIP.UN (11), FTS (12.7), BLX (13), BEP.UN (15), NEE (26), AQN (28)
Read Answer Asked by Grant on November 07, 2022
Q: I have a son who is 31 and is just beginning his investment journey. He currently is looking to learn and has $15,000 to invest. With the uncertainty in the market he is thinking of investing 1/3 now 1/3 in the first quarter and 1/3 in the 2nd quarter. Is 5 stocks a good start with the intention of monthly contributions in the future to build a diversified over a 20-30 year time horizon. My suggestion was a equal amount to start in Royal Bank, Telus, Brookfield Infrastructure, CN Rail and a REIT.
What do you think of this plan or do you have other suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on October 24, 2022
Q: Hello,
Which of the Brookfield companies quality for the dividend tax credit?
Also, which Canadian dividend ETF’s also quality for the dividend tax credit you would recommend?
Thanks for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by David on October 19, 2022
Q: I am sitting on significant cash holding. I understand that predicting the bottom is not a strategy, but I am looking at taking advantage of the recent pullback.

Given that most predict we are heading into a recession, is deploying 1/3 of the cash at this point a good strategy and deploying the remainder over the next 6 months.

I am looking for Income and growth over the next 3 to 5 years. I was looking at FTS, BIP, SLF, ENB, AQN, RY, TD, BCE. Is there any of these names you would not buy now?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on October 12, 2022
Q: I am looking to retire in the next year, and positioning our portfolio more toward income.

Within the utilities sector we held AQN, BEP.UN, BIP.UN and CPX at close to equal weights 3.1-3.3% each (market value).

I recently sold AQN at a 20% tax loss and initiated a new position in FTS (yielding 4.25% after it's big drop). This will be a long term position.

I'm up approx 50% in CPX and even on BIP.UN.

I'm currently carrying a 16% loss on BEP.UN, and am thinking of selling it for a tax loss (I have significant realized capital gains to offset).

I'm considering either splitting the proceeds between BIP, CPX and FTS; or waiting to sell BEP after the 30 day period on AQN has passed, repurchasing it to regain the lost dividends and for diversification.

From recent questions I understand that AQN's dividend is likely safe, and is considered sufficiently different from FTS to support owning both. I like that it is at 2019 levels, and think there is a good possibility it may reward a patient investor. Is debt a concern?

Which course of action would 5i recommend, and why?
1. Sell BEP at a tax loss and split the funds between BIP, CPX and FTS; or
2. Sell BIP at a tax loss and repurchase AQN,
3. Or is there another course of action that you'd recommend?

Read Answer Asked by Cory on October 11, 2022
Q: I own 5% (my max) weightings in BIP.UN and BEP.UN. I've always wanted to invest in BAM.A, but avoided this with a concern of too much overlap. However, now with the upcoming BAM.A spin-off, could one then make more of a case ? i.e. to invest that 5% in the "Asset-light" unit once this split occurs?

If you agree with that, do you have any concerns with a 15% overall weighting within the Brookfield group?
Read Answer Asked by James on September 06, 2022
Q: I own a mixture of these in both my RIF and non registered accounts and wish to consolidate them so as to only own one of each. Capital gains and tax need not to be considered. Which version of these 2 companies would you have in each of my two accounts ? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on August 24, 2022
Q: hello 5i:
regarding the 49% investment by BIP in INTC'S chip plant.
BIP is our largest holding, so we are concerned as to the significance of this deal and the effect on BIPs future. How significant is it?
And, with INTCs well-known failures of overpromising and underdelivering, poor allocation of capital and just bad management decisions, will an alliance with INTC not drag BIP down with it? Could not the company find a "more reliable" partner (ie AMD)?
How does BIP benefit in all of this?
I suppose that another way of asking this, is "should we lighten up". Tough, as we've held since 2015 and been very happy owners.
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 24, 2022