BAM.A's stock price has been dropping over the last year or so, I am thinking of moving some of my money in BAM.A to BIP.Un. What your thoughts are such a move? Also please comment on BIP.UN's high P/E ratio and the sustainability of its dividend payout.
Q: Hi
I'm looking for a handful of high yielding companies with a good balance sheet.
In what order would you rank the companies listed? Any other companies you really like that could also be included or preferred over these? Thank you.
Q: Hi,I will retire in six months so will need income and security,which do not always go hand and hand.
I have a 5% position in bam.a,but was thinking of just switching to bip.un for the higher yield. Do you feel bip.un is secure enough on its own,or would you go say, 3% of each?
Also do you have two or three go to names that have 3-4% yields for the 5+ year time frame.
Always seem to have a hard time not to panic sell when the markets or one of my stocks are down over 20%.Should my discipline always be to hang-on if I have quality stocks?
Thanks,great work.
Q: Can I please get your thoughts on Dream Hard Asset as a long term income holding. It looks to have a pretty nice dividend (sustainability?). I wonder how you view it relative to either BIP.UN (which I already own) or MIC south of the border (which would not benefit from the dividend tax credit).
Q: I am attracted to the 5+% dividend and also the growth possibilities of BIP.UN. For LPs such as this are special filings required of the shareholders? Looking forward to your BNN appearance today. I am enjoying the new website and appreciate your unbiased opinions. Many thanks.
Q: Hello Peter & team, thank you for the improvements to your website. I really like to see the full company names rather than just the symbols. What would be the better choice between BIP.un or BEP.un for my RRSP? I am looking for safety and income. Regards, Gervais