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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently hold BPY, but am considering selling it for a small
profit and buying BIP for more growth.
Or would I do better to sell AD at a substantial loss, put the proceeds to work in BIP and hang on to BPY
Your thoughts please.
Thank you very much
Read Answer Asked by george on April 04, 2017
Q: Hello Peter, I have full positions in FTS, BIP and EMA, and a long-held triple position in BAM. With some new money, I'm tempted by ALA for its good yield and steadiness. Do you think this is too much duplication (considering the fact that I probably already own too many individual stocks, probably 60-70 if I include my RRSP, TFSA and non-registered). Or is the excellent yield enough to justify the addition.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 03, 2017
Q: Hello all,
This is further to the question regarding BIP.UN and tax reporting. I have had this equity for several years and it is always, without exception, the last tax form I receive. As of yet, this year's (2016) has still not arrived.
Having said that, it is a very small problem. Annoying, yes, but nothing more.
So, some final points:
1. It is probably not tax-advantageous to keep in a taxable account in the first place. (That was the only room I had available when I chose to purchase it - my bad.)
2. Kept in a TFSA, RRSP or other tax-efficient entity I don't believe the tax issues apply so if you have, or can make room, put BIP.UN (this would apply to BEP.UN as well, I imagine) in one of those vehicles.
3. We are in the process of moving our BIP.UN into our TFSA's each year until it is all in TFSA's, thus our tax issues become smaller each year until they will finally go away.
4. BIP.UN has been a stellar performer in our portfolios both in terms of dividend cash flow and capital appreciation - it would take something really dramatic for us to part with it. I guess it would be one of our "core" holdings.
All the best!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 31, 2017
Q: Re: Ian's earlier question - I have held both for several years in taxable accounts and have never had any issues getting the tax forms (T5013) on time. Complexity comes from the fact that the Distributions are not "Dividends" but include elements of Foreign Income, Interest, Return of Capital as well as Eligible tax hit is different than a dividend that qualifies for the DTC. This changes each year and and the T5013 lays all this out quite clearly. If you would like to get a breakdown of the elements of each historical distribution - there is also good summary on each of the firms websites. I am a very happy shareholder of both!
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 31, 2017
Q: I Have BEP.UN, and BPY.UN which have gone sideways for me in the last year, I also have BIP.UN which has done very well.
I am thinking of selling BEP and BPY and buying BAM.A with proceeds. Is this a good switch.
Thank You
Hooray for the ethical 5 I
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 27, 2017
Q: Aside from the market cap, which is pretty obvious, could you explain the difference between these two funds. In particular why/how BGI pays almost twice the dividend. I have held BIP for quite a while and done really well with it, but can't help looking at BGI.
Read Answer Asked by grant on March 13, 2017
Q: Your response to a recent question asking which of these companies to add to:
"BIP has grown the dividend by 16% and BEP has grown the dividend by 35.5%. We would use history as the guide here and side with BEP.UN."
Consider over the past year BEP.UN share price increased by 7.5% whereas BIP.UN increased by 36.5%. Over 5 years BEP.UN gained 46% but BIP.UN gained 132%. In my history book BIP.UN wins hands down notwithstanding the difference in dividend increase last year.

Read Answer Asked by Steve on February 02, 2017
Q: BIP.UN and BEP.UN both released their Q4 results in the last two days and both raised their payouts. I currently hold both stocks. If I'm to increase my investment in only one of them, which one would you prefer in terms of longer term growth and further payout increases down the road? Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on February 02, 2017
Q: Hi guys, a new member here. I have owned and sold both BIP.un and BEP.un as I do not understand their accounting methodology. Your report on BEP.un reflects the growing asset base, FFO, and distributions yet when I look at their profit picture they seldom show any. Quarterly reports show erratic misses to expected earnings. I like their business and distribution history as well as stated goal of future payouts but they seem to have an unpredictable annual profit. Could you comment on my reservations as your report currently gives then an A. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 30, 2016
Q: I'm planning to replace Power Corp in my RRSP with a combination of BIP.UN and BEP.UN. Would you recommend an equal split between both Brookfield stocks at this time, or lean more towards one vs the other?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on November 30, 2016