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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would like your opinion on these 2 companies $bip and $bep as buys right now. Which one would you choose? Or would you be tempted to buy both? I also hold a small position In $BAM.A.
If I were to buy all 3 it would represent 6% of my total Portfolio.

Thanks as always,

Read Answer Asked by Valter on October 10, 2017
Q: Do the dividends of BIP.UN and BIP (US), both qualify as allowable taxable dividends in Canada? Right now I own BIP.UN in a registered CDN$ account but am thinking of switching to BIP (US) in a US$ Cash acnt. And in general is it best to keep a Canadian stock like CSU, which also pays its dividend in US$, in a US$ acnt so that the dividends don't have to get converted each time even though I will have to convert, one time, my total CSU holdings into US$ ?
Much appreciated. Great service!
Read Answer Asked by John on September 26, 2017
Q: Hi Peter,
Since Covalan Technologies is a small cap, i was thinking of trading it, but it could turn out to be a long term play. With the recent news, the stock jumped to $4.60 but has been going back and forth between 3.90 and 4.60. My average cost is 3.30. In this cases, should one simply trade it or simply hang on for more profits later given the good news release. Any idea why Pengrowth is surging over the last two days. I am not seeing any recent news and if you are able to access the recent releases, can you suggest a link please? Finally, i am thinking of boosting my GUD and BIP.UN to 5% weights which is my max per stock. Any comments. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on September 21, 2017
Q: Trading in BEP.UN and BIP.UN Friday from 3:30 to 4:00 was frenzied with big price swings which I presume was connected to indexers acquiring BIP and dumping BEP, though I don't understand the thesis, any insight? Since we knew that BIP was going into the TSX 60 well in advance is there an opportunity that we could have taken advantage of, knowing that ETFs would have to be buying shares by a deadline? Thanks, J.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on September 18, 2017
Q: What do you think about Algonquin's 54% debt to asset ratio? Is this a little high or not bad? I note that it is higher than bep and bip's ratios. With word of them looking at more acquisitions, are they in potential trouble with debt levels if they do so? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 30, 2017
Q: Can you tell me the debt to asset ratios for the above four companies? And how about the payout ratio for each? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 29, 2017
Q: Was about to enter positions in these names but they all took off 5 percent or greater after earning release. Would you wait for them to settle before starting a position? Other then a major market correction when is the best time to buy?
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on August 11, 2017
Q: Hi 5i team, not a question, but some additional information regarding the question asked by Jonathan on tuesday : I think there was some confirmation regarding "New rules could add Shopify, Brookfield to Canadian index"
Read Answer Asked by Eric on August 08, 2017
Q: What is the payout ratio on these two stocks? When i research there is conflicting information from a payout ratio of 60-70% to a high of over 175%.

What is the forward 1 year P/E ratios on these? Is this an important figure to watch?

Morningstar reports BIP.UN and BEP.UN free cash flow dropping 3 consecutive years and BEP.Un reporting Negative earnings. Would a short seller like the one on EIF pounce on this or do you view these companies as more safe?

Are these still good investments on a 10 year plus time horizon and would it be better held in a registered or unregistered account.

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on July 27, 2017