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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: together these 5 stocks make up 10% of my portfolio. not a terribly large weighting but enough that i have felt the recent decline. I understand the correlation between interest rates and these companies that are viewed as bond proxies. Since Jan 1 2018 BCE is down 5.5%, BEP is down 7%, BIP is down 8%, TRP down over 9%, ENB down over 10% (all return % are excluding dividends). ENB is now yielding over 6% if their Q1 2018 dividend is extrapolated for the FY 2018. my question is at what point does one consider the decline overdone and step into one or a few of these? a 6% yield on ENB is looking attractive to me but do you think there is still more downside risk in these names?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on February 02, 2018
Q: Hi 5 I team
I presently have BPY.UN and thinking of selling it for its poorer performance and
replacing it with BIP.UN or WSP Global. Could I get your opinion on these two or others that you might suggest. Thanks Maurice
Read Answer Asked by Maurice on January 30, 2018
Q: Hi, I own the above companies mainly for income and some growth. Would these be negatively impacted by rising interest rates and if so, would a switch to BNS or SLF be warranted.

Read Answer Asked by Greg on January 19, 2018
Q: Hello,
I hold BIP.UN and AQN in my RSP and am considering lightening up in the utility space.
I hold them in equal amounts, if I am considering selling one position what would you recommend ? I consider them to be medium term (3-5 year) positions.
Thanks as always .. appreciate the advice.
Read Answer Asked by STEVEN on January 09, 2018
Q: i already have full positions (4%) in bip and bep. i have been looking at bbu but after going through some documents on the bbu website it appears that bbu is engaged in some similar businesses as the other 2. what would you recommend as another option besides bbu?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on December 26, 2017
Q: Bip.un dropped 2.16 % today ? I’m up 54% on this stock but down 17.84% on HWO. The fundamentals look good for hwo. Should I sell bip.un and average down on HWO, sell both decreasing my tax bill , or keep existing position with the hope that Hwo will recover in the new year.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on December 22, 2017
Q: I have a portfolio modeled after your balanced portfolio with a few additions/ substitutions from the growth portfolio. My wife holds BIP.UN in a taxable account where it may be suitable to take profits this year rather than in the future. Would you sell and replace with either AVO or NFI at the current time? I guess I am asking if you expect more growth from AVO/NFI than BIP going forward. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 20, 2017
Read Answer Asked by Susan and Philip on December 04, 2017
Q: In the Financial Times on Saturday John Dizard wrote a column more or less saying that BIP was vulnerable to a short attack because of it's corporate structure based in Bermuda. Are you able to comment on the article. It seems that the writer thinks the chances of a short attack are minimal but that there is enough fog to create questions.
Can You give your opinion on his thinking.
I know this is not a straight forward issue to answer but we novice investors learn much when you give your approach. This is much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 21, 2017
Q: Hi David,
I'm looking to add three positions to my business passive account -- i'm up 15% year to date.
I have equal weight in each stock and am looking to add more diversity. A combination of income and growth US or Canadian -- minimum $1 billion market cap.

What would you recommend here.
Read Answer Asked by raymond on November 07, 2017
Q: I am a retired investor living on dividend income. I recently sold some assets and now have 15% of my portfolio in cash. I want to invest the cash across 5 stocks yielding minimum 3.5%. Can you recommend your top picks regardless of sector.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on November 06, 2017
Q: My wife and I are retired and are income investors. We are considering reducing our 35% bank exposure. These investments have done very well over the years and we do not want to reduce the quality of our portfolio, but think that perhaps a little more diversification would be desirable.

We are looking for one or two non-large-cap Canadian companies with a growing dividend/distribution preferably greater than 3.5% for a very long-term if not forever hold. We want to avoid more financials, utilities, and retail, office, industrial, and apartment REITs.

Some possible purchases we have identified are: KPT, ITP, CSH, ZCL, AGU, BIP, HLF, BEP, UFS, BPF, AND NWC.

What do you think of reducing our exposure to banks and buying some non-large-cap companies?

What do you think of our list of possibilities? Do you have any other suggestions? If you have two or three good candidate suggestions that would be great.

As always, thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Doug on October 20, 2017
Q: "I have 300k to invest, I am 65 and plan to live off the dividends. Should I invest all in or do doll cost averaging? What are your recommendations? Thanks so much for the great advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jennifer on October 19, 2017