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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter, as I have noticed a lot of ppl asking about the BIP and BIPC news, and since BIPC (or BEPC) can provide so many advantages (e.g., simple taxation, broader investor base, etc), why ppl still want to keep their shares in LPs, I mean, what's the benefits of holding these Brookfield family in LP structure?
Read Answer Asked by yun on September 30, 2019
Q: Hi Peter - Regarding the issuance of corporation shares by BIP.UN to existing units holders, will this be like a stock dividend or will it have the effect of a stock split? If it is like a stock split, my understanding is that the unit price of the original .un units will drop by 0.11% when the new corporation shares are issued and begin trading. Is this correct? Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on September 30, 2019
Q: Hello 5i,
I am sure you will get some further questions about this, so don't bother posting this if it is merely one of many.
BIP has announced the creation of a new entity that will trade separately and be in addition to the existing BIP entity. It sounds like, as an existing unitholder, I will receive 0.11 (I think) shares for every one BIP unit I hold and that this will be deemed to be a Special Distribution over and above the regular quarterly distribution. It seems I do not have to do anything, just wait to receive the shares.
So my questions are:
1. Do I have this right?
2. What might this do the the existing BIP.UN unit price?
3. Is this dilutive, accretive or neutral in terms of unit/share count?
4. Do the expressed aims or goals seem to be worth the effort and expense in creating this new entity?
5. From the (little) information available, would you think it would be best to:
a) keep the shares and leave well enough alone
b) add to the shares
c) sell them and either buy more BIP.UN or,
d) buy something else
And, finally,
6. They mention the new shares as being more tax-friendly - at least for U.S. purchasers. Can you shed any light on if these shares are better for Canadian investors to hold rather than BIP.UN units from a tax perspective?
I know there probably isn't a ton of information/detail out there yet, but thought I would ask anyway.
Thanks for any clarity you can bring to this!!!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on September 26, 2019
Q: Hi,

I'm looking for another lo volatility, long term dividend payer with some growth like AQN, which I own. I also own TD and RY. Can you pick two choices for me from the above list? (as there are so many different offerings from BEP and BIP, I hope these are the correct ones? If not please suggest the better choice.)
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on September 19, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,
Hold the above companies in my TFSA ($30,000). % holdings around 10% for each, except CAE, OSS TRI, AD which are 3% - 5%.

Looking to deploy $5,000. Looking at d-un, dir-un, Telus & Fortis.

Safety and Income preferred, as in mid 60's. I would certainly welcome any other suggestions.

Thank You.

Read Answer Asked by Larry on September 05, 2019
Q: Greetings 5i

I presently hold BAM in my TFSA account with a 5% weighting. I am thinking of adding BIP.UN at a 5% weighting as well, mainly for the dividend and potential for some capital gain. Would this make too much overlap or concentration?

I want to ease back on the throttle of riskier stocks in my TFSA as I am now retired. Weightings within the TFSA account are taken into account in my question.
Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 21, 2019
Q: I am a senior and am an income investor. I am interested in purchasing some minimum rate reset pref. Shares in quality companies. Your thoughts on this strategy as I am looking for a steady income stream. Would you recommend 3 or 4 with a minimum reset rate of at least 5% dividend rate that would qualify for the Canadian dividend tax credit as they would be purchased in a non registered account. I am also considering a purchase of ING-N shares in US funds in an RSP account. Your thoughts on the quality of this investment and the safety of the dividend and if there is any withholding tax,as this is a dividend play the fact that stock price can vary somewhat is not as relevant however capital preservation is always a consideration. In all of the above I would only start with buying a half position. Thank you, Brian
Read Answer Asked by Brian on August 19, 2019
Q: I've owned this one for quite a while; however, it is a very complex organism as witnessed when I do my income tax return every year. I realize that this position should have been in a registered account. My question: is this still a good solid holding? They just reported with low EPS per unit; but, it looks like FFO was very good and carries more weight than EPS does for a regular company.
Read Answer Asked by James on August 06, 2019
Q: I have gains that account for two 8% positions in my TFSA in both CGI Group and Restaurant Brands. I was thinking of selling either CGI Group or Restaurant Brands and replacing that one position with three smaller positions in Constellation Software, Enbridge and Brookfield Infrastructure.

Would this be a move you endorse to increase dividend income and eps growth potential, and if so which of CGI Group or Restaurant Brands would you sell?


Read Answer Asked by john on August 01, 2019
Q: How many utilities are enough and where? I have AQN in TFSA and , BEP, BIP, FTS in cash account (along with BAM.A and BBU.UN - total Brookfield is 8.91%). My spreadsheet indicates I have 3% space left in utilities sector to add but your PA says I am over. Sold all of H (was largest utility holding) due to political risk of current chaotic provincial government. Looking at a replacement for H. Don't really need the income for living , looking more for safety and some growth. Looking for your view on how you would rank above prospects or should I add to existing, or stand pat?
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on August 01, 2019
Q: I'm thinking about selling a position in EFN with a 5% weighting in a RESP with a 5 year time horizon and replacing it with either CNR, NTR or BIP.UN. Another newsletter is big on these 3 names for longer term holds. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on July 09, 2019
Q: Hello and thank you for your exceptional service. I am retired and dividends and other distributions are a necessary part of my income. In an environment such as we currently live in without inflation and with historically low interest rates. Aren't REITs a valid alternative to bonds and GICs? I own 15% in GICs, no bonds and I'm currently overweight at 9% in Real estate and wonder if my strategy is correct in your opinion. Should I remove some REITs exposure, which would you trim first and in what order from the list above. Where would you put the money instead? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on July 04, 2019
Q: Hi guys! I asked this question a few days ago and received no reply. Not sure what happened, it could have been on my end. I have equal portions of these 8 stocks in my TFSA. What do you think of these stock selections?
Thank You !
Read Answer Asked by Dean on July 03, 2019
Q: I hold a position in BEP.UN and was thinking of either adding to it or starting a new position in either BIP.UN or BAM. I'm a conservative long term investor and would reinvest any dividend income. I will hold it in a registered account. Which of these companies do you think offers the best value now.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on June 20, 2019
Q: Good Afternoon,

I am looking at raising some cash. Of the above, which 3 would be your sell preference, in order of 1st, 2nd & 3rd.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Larry on May 23, 2019