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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi everyone,
Since BEP, BIP are based in Bermuda and declare foreign income, is there any witholding tax in a RRSP on the income received from their stocks or preferred shares? You mentioned this link before: , but it does not mention RRSP specifically. Same question for TFSA …

Will it change with the creation of BEP & BIP canadian corp.?
Read Answer Asked by Denise on January 27, 2020
Q: I own enbridge and have done well on it. I struggle to hold it as psychologically long term we are moving away from fossil fuels and have been thinking of going into BIP. So ENB will have to move away from their reliance on FF transportation and into other projects. What are your thoughts on this longer term theory. Do you think shorter term, say 5 - 10 years, this theory is irrelevant?
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on January 16, 2020
Q: Hello 5i Team,
I currently hold throughout my accounts BAM.A, BBU.UN and BPY.UN. I like what recent investments made with BIP.UN. Would you consider a switch of one of my existing holdings and/or am I over exposed to Brookfield as whole?
I have a Long term Time Horizon.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Massimo on January 12, 2020
Q: Hi, I just have a question about holding CAD listed stocks that currently pay dividends in CAD$. If the stocks are also US listed, how do I go about getting the dividends in US$ if I wanted to?? Do I need to ask my broker to convert the cad stock to the US equivalent? In that case, would they just convert it at the current FX rate and would I get them to journal it over? Would I use norbert gambit to do this possibly to save on FX conversion? Any advice would be great!

Read Answer Asked by Keith on January 07, 2020
Q: Hi, Brookfield Infrastructure announced this $2.4 billion purchase of Bell Cincinnati by offering Bell shareholders Cash, but I am not sure if there was a mention of how company intends to finance the deal. They also indicated Brookfield's intention to invest $ 1 billion for Cicinnati Bell's infrastructure development. Any ideas, if company will use its cash resources or an equity financing may be in the cards and if so the time frame. I was wondering, if recent decline in unit prices from $70 to $63.65 had something to do with this. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on January 02, 2020
Q: Bgi recently announced a change to the fund manager. Is this a good or indifferent change? Also, the fund has done quite well recently is there a reason such as recent buy back of shares or us this increase sustainable. Along with Bgi I also own Bip.un In the same riff account ( as a result of the Enercare takeout) I wonder if I should own both or is there an overlap?
Read Answer Asked by Maggie on December 27, 2019
Q: Want to pass along info from BIP investors relations regarding Unit Split and creation of an Exchange Corporation (BIPC) on how it affects the Brookfield Infrastructure Partners Exchange LP units holder:

1. LP units are exchangeable to BIP.UN 1:1 for 7 years,
2. The exchange is deemed disposition, i.e. taxable, last day to exchange for 2019 tax year is 12/27,
3. LP unit holder will NOT get BIPC shares upon split, only BIP.UN holders get BIPC shares,
4. LP units holder will get equivalent value of additional LP units instead.

Happy Holidays and all the best in 2020 !!
Read Answer Asked by Steve on December 20, 2019
Q: I am interested in adding "infrastructure" sector stocks to balance my investments. I would appreciate your comments on ARE, WSP, BIP.UN , STN. or other options in this sector. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on December 17, 2019
Q: I hold both of these companies and need to take some profits and redistribute to other holdings. From previous questions I understand a date for the spin offs has not been announced. I do not want to sell now and lose out on the benefits of the spinoffs.
Would the current share price reflect the value of these spinoffs and then drop a corresponding amount when it hits the effective ex-div date similar to regular dividend payments?
I also plan on rebuying the spin off version of bip.un in my taxable acct (both currently in RRSP) based on my understanding that the full dividend would then be eligible for the dividend tax credit. Is this correct?
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on December 16, 2019
Q: I asked the following question earlier this week: "I was a shareholder of Enercare and received Exchangeable LP Units on BIP.UN's acquisition of Enercare. When the Exchange Corporation is created - will I receive 0.11 BIPC shares for each of the Exchangeable Units? (I have asked BIP.UN the same question but have not received an answer yet)"
I have now heard back from BIP.UN Investor Relations and they have advised that only holders of the regular units of BIP.UN will receive the BIPC shares and that in advance of the split (1Q 2020) that I could exchange the Exchangeable LP units for BIP.UN units. I checked with my broker (RBC Direct) and they confirmed that there is the option to exchange now and that I need to advise them by 12/27. I have also asked BIP.UN if the exchange of Exchangeable Units for regular BIP.UN units is a "non taxable event" but have not heard back from them yet.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on December 13, 2019