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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What five income stocks do you see as undervalued at this time. How much upside potential in each do you calculate. What is the time frame involved before you believe each reaches its price expectation. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ric on September 03, 2020
Q: Further to my question of August 24, John Heinzl of the Globe mentioned if you were exchanging BIPC for BIP.UN, you would lose money because BIPC is worth more. In your answer you have mentioned it was somewhere in the neighbourhood of $8.00. The reason is by making the exchange which is in my TFSA with an adviser which has limited yearly trades and then after that, trades become over $50 per trade. That way, the exchange would cost me nothing and I would have one lump sum of BIP.UN which would cost me 1 trade and I would take the cash out of my TFSA and I would buy BIPC in my online non-registered account with another institution for $9.99. Would I be losing the $8.00 (or somewhere in that area) per share by doing this, OR if, for example, I had $9,000.00 worth of BIPC shares which became BIP.UN in the transaction, would I get $9,000.00 worth of BIP.UN shares? I am just concerned I am clear on this. Thanks Dennis
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on August 26, 2020
Q: Good morning, Portfolio Analytics suggests we (as elderly seniors) lower our Utility holdings by 6.32%. Currently, we have:
AQN 3.9 %, BEPC 3.5%, BIP.UN 4.6%, H 2.2%, SPB 1.8%. Firstly is there a holding I could eliminate? If not should I just lower the larger percentages? All are in RRIFs.
Second suggestion from Analytics is to lower telecom by 3.54%. Currently have BCE 4.2%, T 3.5% and GOOG 4.2%. T and BCE are in RRIFs. GOOG is in an unregistered account. I have always looked at GOOG as technology sector. Any comments. Thanks for your expertise.
Read Answer Asked by Ted on August 21, 2020
Q: TD Waterhouse has BIP as a buy. It uses two valuation metrics. EV/EBITDA and P/FFO. Which is better in your opinion. Why don’t they use P/E. Final question, is there another company I could use to compare against?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on August 18, 2020
Q: I have a small position in Bip.un and want to put more money into infrastructure. would you suggest now or later ? could you give me 2 names in ea country . Is there an ETF that would be better? (take more credits to give a complete answer.). Thanks for your work. Helen
Read Answer Asked by Helen on July 14, 2020
Q: Hi. I would characterize myself as an income investor, but like many others am also trying to position myself for "conservative growth".

I currently hold 3% positions each in BIP, FTS, BEP and a 3.5% position in CPX. I also have a 4% position in ENB (I see it as a pseudo utility/energy).

I'm down about 5% on FTS and BEP, even on BIP and up 15% on CPX.

I'm thinking of selling FTS at a tax loss and picking up AQN for the higher dividend and what I see as better potential for growth.

I may consider adding FTS back in at a later date. What do you think of this strategy, or would I be better to leave things as is? Do you see BIP, BEP, AQN and CPX as having better growth potential in the next 1-3 years? What would be your recommendations given this mix of holdings?

Thank-you in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Cory on July 06, 2020
Q: Continuing our discussion on these two companies BIPC trades at a much lower PE 12.4 versus 170.8, had lower P/B 1.4 versus 2.5 and also has higher momentum short term- doesn’t this make for a compelling buy for BIPC versus BIP.UN. Very confusing situation created by Brookfield.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on June 23, 2020
Q: I owned shares in Enercare which was taken over by Brookfield. I still hold the units that were exchanged for the shares. BROOKFIELD INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERS EXCHANGE LP EXCHNGBLE LP UNITS.
If I exchange it will trigger a capital gain. In the meantime, the dividends are still being paid.
Is there any downside to keeping these units and not exchanging them?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on June 15, 2020
Q: Further to my previous question on this topic I’m Attaching report claiming these two stocks do indeed own different assets

I’m wary of holding BIPC because the new corporation only owns a small subset of the partnership’s global infrastructure assets. Is this a concern?
It’s true that BIPC directly owns only natural gas transmission assets in Brazil and regulated utility operations in the United Kingdom. However, the fact that BIPC shares are exchangeable into BIP.UN units and both will pay the same dividend/distribution means BIPC investors are getting access, albeit indirectly, to the complete global portfolio of infrastructure assets including railways, ports, toll roads, pipelines, communications towers and data centres. It also means that BIP.UN units and BIPC shares should track each other closely in price, which has been the case so far. (My note: NOT TRUE)
“In order to effectuate the stock split, we were required to transfer assets to BIPC since it’s a separate reporting issuer/listed entity,” Ms. Low said.
“The assets we chose to transfer (being the gas transmission system in Brazil and regulated distribution operations in the U.K.) were selected as they were relatively easy to transfer considering regulatory, legal, financial and tax implications,” she said.
“So while BIP LP and BIPC do hold different assets, investors should be indifferent as BIP LP and BIPC should be considered one entity, which collectively share the same assets, returns and management.”
Full disclosure: The author owns BIP.UN and BIPC personally and in his model Yield Hog Dividend Growth Portfolio

Read Answer Asked by Steve on June 12, 2020
Q: The gap between these two tickers seems to continue to widen.

BIP.UN yields over 4.5% and BIPC 3.9%. Even with the dividend tax credit, the aftertax dividend cash flow is much high from BIP.UN. Am I going crazy? I have been wanting to step in here for a long time (definitely miss the "boat to a certain extent) but why wouldn't I invest in BIP.UN?
Read Answer Asked by James on June 09, 2020
Q: I was under the impression both shares held the same assets and differed only in structure- Corp versus trust. Now I heard BIPC only owns Nat gas transmission in Brazil and regulated utility in UK. Can you please confirm if this is correct. If it is what is NAV of both shares.
Thanks for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on June 09, 2020
Q: I have full positions in the above except KXS and REAL. For available cash is there a stock that you like and would consider adding to this portfolio .
Read Answer Asked by Roy on May 29, 2020