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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My question is in regards to your information about US$ Dividends. I contacted Questrade where I have an account and they were pretty clear that if I have these stocks with the TSX, then they get paid in CA$. Here is what they said:

"I will like to let you know that we are not exchanging your dividend. We are only depositing the currency we received into your account. And I have double checked with our team and they confirm we can't change the currency of the dividend or choose them.
I am sorry you will need to contact investor relation of the company to help you with this. Please note we only deposit as what we receive from the company."

This is quite different from what the article on your home page says. Am I misunderstanding? Could you please explain. Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on July 13, 2021
Q: Hi. I’m writing in response to Andrew’s earlier question regarding whether or not he needs to report BEP.UN on his T1135. I’d looked into this earlier this year for BEPC, BIPC, BIP.UN and BEP.UN. Brookfield’s web site addresses this specifically. Below is the link, and direct quote.

“Are units considered foreign property for the purposes of the Canada Revenue Agency T-1135 Form – Foreign Income Verification Statement?

Hope this assists.

Read Answer Asked by Cory on June 29, 2021
Q: I am looking for an etf or stock that might run with Biden’s infrastructure deal. I found PAVE but it seems to have already run up a lot. Do you think it has more room to run? Any other suggestions for ETFs or stocks - maybe BIP.un?
Thanks for your great service
Read Answer Asked by Mary on June 28, 2021
Q: I have the following companies in my RRSP account - I am looking to replace PG - can you give me some suggestions ? Something with some growth potential and dividend.

Read Answer Asked by JOHN on June 09, 2021
Q: Now that Brookfield Renewable has come down so much, how does the valuation compare to Brookfield Infrastructure?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 01, 2021
Q: The above listed stocks are in the $C side of my husband's RRIF. I would appreciate your input on which stocks to reduce or eliminate to make his annual withdrawal. Please rank from first sell/reduce to last. For context, our overall portfolio is overweight technology and communication services (primarily GOOG & DIS)
Thank you, Jane N
PS please use as many credits as needed.
Read Answer Asked by JANE on May 05, 2021
Q: What do you think of this twenty stock dividend portfolio for a taxable account? I am focusing on high quality and it yields about 3.8% . Any changes you would make?
Read Answer Asked by Stefan on April 29, 2021
Q: I just got my T5013 for my 2 Brookfield companies and I can see what they've done to create the Corporations that pay eligible dividends but I don't understand why the taxable part far exceeds what I actually received. First, my eligible dividends have disappeared and I guess these go to the Corporation shares. However, on my BIP.UN I received about $2029 in distributions in 2020 but my T5013 shows distributions in excess of $8000 of which $4500 is Return of Capital. Any idea how my $2029 becomes $8000? PPY is much closer in amount, only about 6% higher than what I actually received.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on April 09, 2021
Q: My question is regarding value metrics for CPX. I compared EV/Revenue for the above utilities and CPX is lowest at 4.66, followed by FTS at 5.96. FTS has the lowest P/B at 1.49; CPX is the next best at 2.00. As an income/value investor, is CPX a value diamond in the rough? I know it keeps missing estimates, but I would get a yield of about 5.5% while waiting for financial results to improve. Your comments very much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on April 07, 2021
Q: I am holding BEPC and BIPC in my non-registered account and BEP.UN and BIP.UN in my RRSP. A friend told me that there may be tax implications when holding LPs in and RRSP - is this true?
Thanks for your comments!
Read Answer Asked by Grant on April 05, 2021
Q: Hi!

Looking to add BIP.U in my RRSP for a long term hold. I’m researching the Company and looking at the distribution of BIPC in March. I just want to make sure trust I understand the transaction because the share prices are quite different right now. The main goal was to reach a new investor base by distributing a Canadian Corp that is eligible to the dividend tax credit? The Companies are economically identical and it was treated similar to a share split. Does that mean that the market cap immediately before and after the distribution should be the same? The difference is share price now is due to more investors wanting the Corporation instead of the LP? Difference should narrow over time with BIPC coming down or BIP.U going up?

Read Answer Asked by Jason on March 16, 2021
Q: Hi Folks,
I am looking to update my RRSP - I currently hold PG, TD, BNS, MFC, ABBV, PFE, T, BCE, AQN, BIP.UN, ENB - I am thinking of swapping PG with Verizon ( or can you suggest another with a dividend ) to add some "torque".
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on March 12, 2021
Q: Hi,
Can you help me to understand why the premium of BIPC is so high over BIP.UN? It increased to more than 40% today, $94 vs $66. On the other hand, the spread between BEPC vs BEP.UN is much narrower, up and down around 10%. Do you expect the the gap between BEPC and BEP.UN to widen? Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Martin on March 12, 2021
Q: Hello,
2 part question regarding the above companies for a 30 year old investor with a 10+ year hold horizon:

1. In a TFSA account I currently own BNS and BUS. Would you swap these 2 out for LSPD, KXS and DND today? If so, would you please rank the 5 companies in order of preference in a TFSA account?

2. I have some cash to deploy in my RRSP account. I was wondering if you could also rank the following companies to buy today once again for a 30 year old with a minimum holding period of 10 years: BAM, BIP.UN, BIPC (in case you think that one is better than the other in an RRSP), BNS, XIU and VEQT. I would be able to purchase 3 of the 6 mentioned so what would be your preferred mix in this case?

Thanks for your help!
Read Answer Asked by Antonio on March 08, 2021