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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My daughter is starting a TFSA account with $20,000 to invest and a 5-10 year horizon. She wants a balanced portfolio with moderate risk and room for growth and dividend income. Based on some of your recommendations she is thinking buying the above combines in equal weight. What would you add or subtract from this list? Should she try for more sector diversity?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 11, 2021
Q: I have been holding BIP.UN for several years. Does it make to sell it and buy BIPC to get tax advantage. BIPC is about 3.5% more expensive than BIP.UN, which has narrowed down significantly in the last couple of years. Why did the difference narrow down so much and can it narrow down even further? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dev on October 27, 2021
Q: Hi We are a retired couple using our rrifs for income. We have been waiting for the right time to put our 10% cash to work. Please advise in order which of these selections to top up is best now or wait or don't buy at all.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 20, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,

Portfolio analytics is recommending that I reduce my utility holdings 12%. I have held AQN (3.4% weight), FTS (4.3%), BEP (5.2%) and BIP (5%) for four years and do like the dividends and renewable energy aspect. Today's TD analyst comments also gave me pause about being overweight utilities: "As WTI oil and energy prices have recovered over the past year on rising interest rates, alternative energy and utilities in general have underperformed. We believe that a potential rise in interest rates on improving COVID-19 trends and impending
tapering, along with the renewed relative strength in the energy sector, will
further pressure the utilities sector." My questions for you:. 1. where and how would you trim from the above holdings? and 2. your thoughts on the analysis outlined above. Thanks for your guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Martha on September 27, 2021
Q: Is there an explanation of why the 4 year revenue growth is so different between BIP.UN and BIPC? Here is the data I get from RBC Direct Investing for 2017 to 2020:

BIP.UN: 3,535.0 | 4,652.0 | 6,597.0 | 8,885.0 for a 4 year CAGR of 26%
BIPC: 1,323.0 | 1,561.0 | 1,619.0 | 1,430.0 for a 4 year CAGR of 2%

Of course the amounts are going to be different, but I expected the growth to be similar between the two. Whaaaat?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on September 20, 2021
Q: Hello 5i, I notice that comments are made as to the takeover of Interpipe IPL relating to both BIP and BIPC as the take over company's. What is the relationship of BIP and BIPC as to who really will own IPL now. Also which company BIP or BIPC would look better to invest in. I was a IPL share owner and submitted my shares for the cash option.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on September 07, 2021
Q: Can you explain to me how Option 2 is supposed to work for the IPL takeover. Option 2 is 0.25 shares of BIPC subject to proration. In the Aug. 20 group, 90% of the IPL shares were converted to BIPC for those who chose Option 2. What happens to the remaining 10%? Are they paid the equivalent of 0.25 of a BIPC, or $20/share or ?? Since I received only $18.68 for my 10% I am thinking that I did not get 0.25 BIPC equivalent. Thanks. Feel free to answer privately if you prefer.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on August 31, 2021
Q: I need in increase my portfolio weightings in Consumer Cyclical and Utilities. I currently hold AQN, BIP.UN and FTS in Utilities in roughly equal amounts and hold QSR and LNF for Consumer Cyclical with QSR double the holding of LNF. Should I add to my current positions to increase my weighting in both sectors or consider adding new stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Sandy on August 30, 2021
Q: I'd like to invest (5 year time frame minimum) in one or two leading companies that are benefitting from the drive to optimize water resources. Could you rank the best opportunities in this list considering growth, valuation, moat, and stability? Any names missing from this list?
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on August 27, 2021
Q: Holding some decent gains in BAM, BIP, BEP and ONEX. Looking to consolidate BEP, BIP, BAM and ONEX in particular in registered accounts. Looking at past performance, ONEX has outperformed BAM over certain periods of time, while BAM looks to be the outperformer over the longer term. At this particular time, what is your opinion on switching from ONEX to BAM or would it be good to hold both for diversification? Which do you think will be the outperformer over the next 10-20 years? If my goal is long term capital growth and not income, would you sell BEP and BIP and just shift it into BAM? Current weightings are BAM 2.3%, ONEX 2.1%, BEP 1.1%, BIP 1.5%. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on August 20, 2021
Q: I own the above in registered accounts. Is there two much duplication, in particularly between BAMR and BAM.A? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 16, 2021
Q: Hello friends,

I own IPL:CA in my RRSP account and, since I like BIP, I would like to continue with them.

As we know, the offer is $CAD 20 or 0.25 of a BIPC:CA share subject to proration.

However, there is a fairly large price differential between BIP:US/BIP.UN:CA and BIPC:US/BIPC:CA and I would like to take advantage of that.

My plan is to tender for cash and then buy BIP:US/BIP.UN:CA.

Is there any tax impact on holding BIP:US/BIP.UN:CA (a Bermuda LP) vs holding BIPC:US/BIPC:CA (a Canadian corp) in an RRSP account e.g. withheld taxes?

Does my plan make sense?

Thank you for your valuable advice.
Read Answer Asked by Iulian on August 11, 2021
Q: Hello, a great service and learning lots from the Q&A. I have a small Canadian portfolio with MG, OTEX, CNQ, BIP.UN and MFC. And also DIS from US side. I am looking to charge it up with some growth performers over the next 5 years. How do these holdings rate and any suggestions on additions? Would you replace any of these?

Thanks for the feedback. Have a great day.
Read Answer Asked by Aly on August 09, 2021
Q: Last Friday bepc was trading at 7.2% above bep.un. yet bipc was trading 19.8% above bip.un.
Why such a large price difference in bip.un and bipc and do you think they will narrow as they have done in bepc and bep.un?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 05, 2021
Q: Good afternoon,

Does it make sense to add BEP and BIP if I already own BAM?

I'd be buying BEP to upgrade over my current PIF holding, and BIP seems interesting for a variety of reasons, just wondered if you think I'm covered with these essentially already with BAM.A? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 30, 2021
Q: Hi Folks,
I currently own the following in my RRSP account (weightings in brackets ) - PG (4%), TD (13.5%), BNS (10%), MFC (3%), ABBV (6.5%), PFE (12%), BCE (14%), T (14.5%), AQN (6.5%), BIP.UN (6%), and ENB (6.5%).
I want to reduce my exposure to TD, BNS, BCE, T and PFE to bring them in line with the others - can you suggest some names that will complement the portfolio, keeping in mind I am looking for Income with some growth - long term hold.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on July 14, 2021
Q: HI Team

I hold a small position in Brookfield Infrastructure Partners (BIP.un) and I would like your opinion on two questions.

What is your take on the long-term prospects of BIP.un if the Inter Pipleline takeover goes through? Will it be a negative or positive long-term impact if such a large deal happens?

Also, was BIP.un ethical in using total return swaps to avoid the minimum 10% holding disclosure rule? This seems like an underhanded way to gain control of Inter Pipeline.


Read Answer Asked by George on July 13, 2021