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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, how would you rank these 4 names for a combination of yield and growth for a ~ 2 year time frame?

Read Answer Asked by Trevor on February 26, 2025
Q: Please rank these stock for risk relative to US Tariffs from High to Low.....yes, wonder how defensive these US stocks are......Many thanks.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on February 25, 2025
Q: My mortgage is coming due at a much higher rate than it has been for the past 5 years, so given the current economic uncertainty, I’ve decided to sell half of my unregistered portfolio to pay it off. I understand this will incur tax, and I’m prepared for that. Here are my holdings—please advise on the optimal order of selling to ensure the remaining portfolio is defensive, particularly against tariffs and economic uncertainty. I'm open to the cheese slicer method across some or all stocks. Please deduct credits as you see fit. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on February 25, 2025
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm curious about your thoughts on sentiment turning against US equities in the coming months. I'm already exhausted seeing all the foolish tweets and news clips coming out of the Trump administration and I have to believe many others are too. Trump 2.0 seems much worse than 1.0! Also, I've been hearing that European markets are already outpacing the US market so far this year and I'm wondering if the US market deserves its current valuation given the increased volatility and increased risks?

I own many US stocks (e.g., 5 of the Mag 7, COST, ISGR, HD, TT, SYK, RS, ZS, HON, V) and I'm thinking for the first time of selling/trimming some of these. I would look to increase my dividend-paying Canadian stocks to generate more income. I'm also thinking about European dividend payers?

I'd appreciate your general views along with any comments you might have related to selling/trimming some of the stocks I've mentioned above. I'd look to sell into the end of this month and buy favourite TSX dividend payers (e.g., ENB, SLF, CNQ, BEP.UN, BIP.UN, T) or others you might suggest after the next tariff decision in early March.

Like many members, I have to thank you again for the wonderful service you provide. Your Q&A section and market reviews are fabulous, especially during difficult times! I also realize this is a long question and the answers are worth more than one credit.


P.s. I had registered to attend this week's webinar which may have answered some of my questions. Unfortunately, something came up over lunch and I missed the webinar. Please let me know if there's a chance of catching a replay.
Read Answer Asked by Lisa on February 10, 2025
Q: I have been building my position in BN and now sit at 2.63% position size. I am holding a 1.72% position size in BAM in a taxable account. I am thinking of selling BAM and adding the proceeds to BN. Is this wise? In taxable accounts I am more focused on future gains than on dividend return. Currently my BAM position has a gain of 107%. I have ample capital loss reserves to cover any capital gains incurred from selling BAM.

I also hold BEP.UN (1.24% position) and BIP.UN (3.47% position) in registered accounts for diversity and income. No plans to change those.

What do you think about consolidating BAM holdings into BN?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on January 10, 2025
Q: Of the following stocks please list those that are vulnerable to Trump's tariff threats and a brief reason for that vulnerability ..... Mr Canadian Market may not being taking his threats seriously but I am. My plan is to replace vulnerable Canadian names with U.S. ones ..... Thanks for your terrific service ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on January 10, 2025
Q: Hi 5i

Please as many questions as needed.

I am heavily invested in stocks and want to raise cash, putting more money into bonds. I have about 10% in Canadian oil and gas, 5% gold stocks, and about 13% in uranium stocks. I am going to hold my gold and uranium.

What allocation would you suggest for a retiree in terms of portfolio holdings of gas and oil?

I am concerned about the possible coming tarriffs and the effect on the Canadian ecomomy. Most of my holdings are Canadian. A lot of these are in dividend stocks. I have held them through the past few years but I do need to increase the allocation to conservative investments. I plan to reduce most by about 20% or consider outright sells. I currently prefer to reduce downside risk than worry about the upside.

Can you help me decide from the viewpoint of possible tarriffs and effect on the Canadian economy which are at risk the most. Could you class these as hold, reduce or sell. I will hold all my U.S. stocks which are about 15% of my portfolio and haven't listed those here.

Thank you for your very helpful advice.
Read Answer Asked by Tulio on January 10, 2025
Q: I hold BAM, BIP.UN, BIPC, BEP.UN, BEPC and BN in a non registered account. For September and December dividend payments, I noticed that a withholding tax was applied to BIP.UN. For tax purposes, would any of the 6 stocks listed be better off in a registered account?
Read Answer Asked by Walter on January 10, 2025
Q: I have these stocks in my TFSA. How would you rate them for growth and dividend.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 11, 2024
Q: I am thinking of selling torment industries at a 10%
Loss and Brookfield infrastructure lp to generate
Money to buy ZMID:CA
I agave current 35% of my investments in u.s.
The balance in Canada this would increase my exposure to the u.s. market to 40%
Can I have your thoughts on this move
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Sam on December 05, 2024
Q: Yesterday I asked you about a group of stocks with respect to trimming our positions to reduce our overall stock exposure.

Now I would appreciate it if you could categorize these stocks with respect to your opinion on the impact of Trump's election. Perhaps the categories could be: positive, negative, neutral, or not sure.

The stocks are:
Read Answer Asked by Doug on November 28, 2024
Q: My utilities holdings include BIP.UN (3.9% of total equity), H (2.1%) and FTS (1.9%). Considering the momentum of CPX and its higher dividend than either H or FTS, what would your thoughts be about the idea of selling both H and FTS to buy CPX? Seems to present more growth potential and higher dividend. My thanks.
Read Answer Asked by David C. on November 25, 2024
Q: My wife and I are mainly dividend investors. We tend to hold our stocks for many years. Due to the significant increase in the value of our stocks this year, we are considering reducing the percentage of some stocks in our portfolio by about 10%.

Could you please give your opinion as to which of the following stocks you would reduce. Would you reduce one or two selected stocks, or perhaps reduce across the board? All of the reductions would be in registered accounts. You can assume the stocks are all about the same percentage of our portfolio.

The stocks are:
Read Answer Asked by Doug on November 25, 2024
Q: Hello. What are some Cdn list companies that pay dividends in USD? Any with decent yields (above 5%) and/or with solid dividend growth? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 14, 2024