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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: If Trump wins election and he follows through with his promised 20% tariff on imported goods, which Canadian industries would be most adversely affected?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 11, 2024
Q: Good Morning. I need to trim my holdings portfolio down to a more manageable number. My portfolio is pretty well balanced. From the list of NTR,PBH, DIS,RCI.B, ADN,GE, FCX,WMB,GS,CVX, CAT,LYB and APO how would you rank them with 1 being the best and 5 the least favoured. Please take as many credits as you need. Thanks Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 05, 2024
Q: I would like to add to one or two of the above dividend paying companies I hold in my RSP.
I would appreciate your preference ranking... a short comment as well if possible.
Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on August 22, 2024
Q: Retired (25 years) investor, preservation of capital and income paramount. Can you please provide the following, ETF or equity suggestions for:
Basic Materials (hold 2% LIF), Communications Services (hold 4% BCE), Consumer Cyclical and Consumer Defensive (hold 0%), Healthcare (hold 1% HHL), Industrials (hold 0%), Technology (hold TXF 4%).

Thank you for considering my lengthy question for which I apologize.
Read Answer Asked by Gail on April 10, 2024
Q: HI Guys

I know you were asked a recent question about Arcadian Timber but Just wanted some clarity. On the recent question you said " In the last year, ADN saw it's price see a slight drawdown, but total return was up by 3%. ADN continues to be a solid dividend payer with a yield of 7.14% while payout ratio is quite good at 37.36%. "

Today with their earning report they stated the dividend payout ratio for the year ending December 2023 was 132%, but 99% with the DRIP. and "Adjusted EBITDA for the year was $20.6 million, compared to $18.2 million in 2022. Acadian generated $15.0 million of Free Cash Flow during the year, compared to $12.2 million in 2022, and declared dividends of $19.8 million or $1.16 per share to our shareholders. Acadian's balance sheet remains solid with $14.8 million of net liquidity as at December 31, 2023, which includes funds available under our credit facilities."

So just wondering about how much extra funds they generate/accumulate beyond the dividend and the security of the dividend going forward. Aren't they at a level that is somewhat worrying if there was a further downturn in the lumber industry?

By the way I am a long time holder of this stock.

Thanks so much

Read Answer Asked by Stuart on February 08, 2024
Q: Please provide best “lower risk” investment ideas given the housing shortage in Canada and USA?
Read Answer Asked by Geoffrey on November 08, 2023
Q: Hi 5i. I think the figure you like to use to measure a company's dividend payout is the ratio of dividend to free cash flow. I think Peter even wrote about this recently in the FP. For the above two companies, could you please tell me what the dividend-to-free cash flow currently is? Is it following a perceptible trend of rising or falling?
Read Answer Asked by William on September 13, 2023
Q: I was interested in Stifel’s recent bullish long term forecast for commodities. Do you share in their enthusiasm, and can you suggest a favoured ETF and several preferred stocks in the sector. Thanks, Don
Read Answer Asked by Don on September 07, 2023
Q: hi,
I am looking at adding these to my dividend equities. I like growth with the dividend stocks, both in capital appreciation and dividend payout ( to keep up with inflation, over the long term ). how do these 2 stack up? further, is there an open source website to check CDN dividend equites in regards to the dividend growth, payout ratios, etc...
cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on July 28, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I am looking to create a dividend portfolio of 15 positions yielding around 6%. My plan is to weigh these positions equally in a non-registered account. A good number of these equities are in your income portfolio but I just wanted to get your opinion if you would swap any of these out or add anything else?

Acadian Timber
Fiera Capital

Thanks in advance for your help!
Read Answer Asked by David on June 14, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
Thanks for all the great work you do.
What are your 5 best overall small cap ideas right now and 5 best small cap value ideas ?
Thanks so much,
Read Answer Asked by Murray on May 11, 2023