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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter,

With the bitcoin halving, the operating profits decrease for the miners but the price of the product increases. As well, the asset value of their inventory increases.
Smaller miners get squeezed out? Sell the smaller miners or wait for them to be bought out at a premium ?
In what proportion would you invest in bitcoin etf and bitcoin miners?
Would you suggest holding a full position in bitcoin and the miners?
Too many questions but I look forward to you helping me sort it out.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on March 18, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team - I have heard some concerns about other countries withdrawing money from the TSX and probably the Vancouver exchange as well. Am assuming that this is through the sale of equities and then withdrawing the proceeds. Am not sure which countries or how many. Could you comment on whether this a valid concern, and if so then how might it affect prices of Canadian equities going forward.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on March 11, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team - If a company is listed on both the U.S. and Canadian exchanges, do you have an opinion on which would be the better choice, I realize that this may be a bit of a complex question with a number of variables to consider so if you could address just a couple of those variables that would be great.
As a corollary do U.S. dividends need to claimed in RRSP's and TFSA's.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on March 11, 2024
Q: My question concerns the significance in a stock’s price bid & ask price difference. Today LMN’s bid ask difference is .15 cents while BCE’s is .01 cents. Question 1 is why do stocks have varying bid ask differences. Question 2 is it better to buy stocks with small bid ask differences. And question 3 does a third party prosper if a stock has a large bib ask difference. Thanks … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on March 08, 2024
Q: In regards to TFSA's value...For the record I'm not a great stock picker (but better than I was prior to joining 5i). However I know how to listen to people like Peter and Ryan who understand what makes a great stock. So thanks to them I bought CSU, NVDA and SMCI (at 13x earnings one short year ago). Today my TFSA is just shy of 1.8 million Canadian. It's a bit like winning the lottery, and if I can do it so can other members. Not everything is going to go up and I have plenty of capital losses but as Peter (I think) says a couple of great winners will do the job! By-the-way LMN was spun out at around $16.75 per share about a year ago and today trades at $37.14. Not too shabby. Better to buy now rather than later at $371.40 don't you think?
My advice...listen to Peter and Ryan and all work out (in the long term)!
Read Answer Asked by James on March 07, 2024
Q: Hi, I am wondering if there is any information on TFSA $ amounts being held by

Canadians across the country? What is the average value of a TFSA across the country?

How many have achieved balances of excess 100k 200k 500k or 1 million?

What percentage do these large accounts represent for TFSA holders as a whole (Example 5% have achieved this level of balance)?

I tried finding this info on my own and did not find much that I would consider reliable. Please take as many question credits as you see fit. Thank you for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on March 07, 2024
Q: Hello folks,

This is a follow up question to Ross' on March 6 2024.

You didn't answer the second part of Ross' question!

Are there any studies comparing "selling" calls or puts and buying and holding the stocks?

I know intuitively that it depends on stocks! Some are so good for writing calls. Some are good for puts and some for buying and holding! But that is not evidence based! Also a "cop out" answer!

Any studies that you know of?

Thanks Ross for asking that excellent question. Thanks Peter et all for your answer.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on March 06, 2024
Q: A full position is considered to be 5%. So if a family has say 2 tfsa’s of $50k each and an RSP of $100k for total of $200k, would you look at a 5% full position in each account, which would amount to $2500 in each tfsa and $5000 in the RSP, or would you look at 5% based on the household registered total of $10,000 and be ok with a $10,000 hold in 1 RSP account even though in that account its 20% but still only 5% of the family portfolio if you will. Hope this makes some sense.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on March 06, 2024
Q: Hi there, what economic data points are being released next week, and the week after?

Which one of those data points listed do you believe will move the markets (+/-) over the next few weeks?

History dictates that markets are generally positive during the month of March, anything to be concerned about this March? Your thoughts on (forward looking) how you believe this month will unfold?

Read Answer Asked by Hussein on March 05, 2024
Q: I am curious as to your take on this brief article ( and the author's argument that given the elevated earnings multiple of growth vs value stocks (especially in the US) and historical reversion to the mean of returns, that going forward investors would be better served by exposure to value vs growth stocks (again, especially for US equities) and seemingly Canadian vs US given the "far more attractively valued" Canadian shares. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on February 29, 2024
Q: My View! Bought my 1st. stock 50 years ago, and have owned stocks since, so i have had a lot of ups and downs over the years, but what i have learned is that people take too many gambles in the market and than have wipe outs or tax loss selling, when all they have to do is buy great companies that make lots of money. It is amazing how much your growth is if you do not have to write off these loses on IFFY companies. I love 5i for reading but sometimes i wonder where do they find these IFFY stocks, are they looking for another 1000% banger or a another tax loss seller. If you take Berk.B and only bought it 5, 10, or 20 years ago you would be very happy with just 1 stock, they do not buy IFFY and hope. The market will reward you over time, but Greed is hard to control.
Read Answer Asked by eugene on February 29, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team - I am familiar with the following terms/metrics but not completely sure of what they mean in context. Could you explain the difference between earnings, net earnings and profitability.. Also how does cash flow differ from free cash flow. Does a company with free cash flow mean that it's profitable. Along these lines what is a good way of measuring profitability.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on January 31, 2024