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Investment Q&A

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Q: My first reaction to the Brexit news was to buy the SP500 dip this morning, but now I recall that in 2011, the market fell 17% over two weeks. This was triggered by the debt ceiling fears. With Britain leaving the European union and possibly more countries following, it seems that this event is FAR MORE important than the debt ceiling, so a 15% correction seems very probable. Usually, when an investor has cash, it's better not to wait for a pullback, but now we do an have an "event" on our hands. The media will surely go on a fear mongering campaign. Would you recommend waiting a week to start buying, or, giving it a few more weeks?
Read Answer Asked by Matt on June 24, 2016
Q: Hello Peter,
In your latest Market Update you are suggesting:
"....We would view any declines in the market/stocks during the lead up to the Brexit vote as an opportunity to add to names that investors may have been waiting for 'better prices' on...."
Providing that there will be opportunity,I am planing to buy PBH,SIS,NFI,JKHY.US and AMZN.US .
My question is: when do you think is better to buy ,on day of voting for BREXIT , before day of voting or after day of voting?

Read Answer Asked by Andrzej on June 17, 2016